
Care in the Digital Age: delivery plan 2022 to 2023

The national delivery plan describes activities supporting Health Boards, HSCPs, local authorities, primary care, social care, social work, and care providers to offer new or improved services, whether through improved systems and infrastructure, or access to digital services.

Digital Access

Priority One: People have digital access to information, their own data, and services which support their health and wellbeing, wherever they are.

Ensuring digital access for all is an essential element of shifting the focus of health and care systems from crisis intervention towards prevention, early intervention, enablement, and supported self-management. Achieving our ambitions will support people to not only access support, but to manage and control their own health and care needs, with a collective focus across all programmes on inclusion and engagement.

What we will deliver

Continue to expand opportunities to embed, and grow the use of, Near Me in NHS services and key priority areas, including women's health services and group consultation services.

Why we are doing this

To improve access and choice and to increase resilience in health services. To provide additional functionality within Near Me to support group treatment programmes in mental health, educational type interventions and explore the use of group clinical consultations to reduce waiting times.

Who is leading this work

Scottish Government

When it will be delivered by

Ongoing spread and scale, with shift to core business activity.

What we will deliver

Re-procurement of the Near Me Video platform ensuring effective transition.

Why we are doing this

To ensure a sustainable cost-effective model is in place for all NHS providers of video enabled services and those across the public sector who use Near Me.

Who is leading this work

Scottish Government and NHS National Services Scotland

When it will be delivered by

March 2023

What we will deliver

Ability for people to have the choice for a video appointment with social work.

Why we are doing this

To improve remote access to social care for people using services and families through service re-design by embedding Near Me as part of the toolkit within Social Work Scotland (SWS).

Who is leading this work

Scottish Government and Social Work Scotland

When it will be delivered by

March 2023

What we will deliver

Public transparency on, and access to, planned care and outpatient waiting times information for their local services.

Why we are doing this

By making planned care and outpatient waiting times and data available to the public on NHS inform, this will enable them to be better informed of their care and to help manage public expectations.

Who is leading this work

NHS 24

When it will be delivered by

Completed September 2022, now available at

What we will deliver

A prototype online 'symptom checker in your pocket' app deployed to deliver existing NHS inform self-care guides as well as signposting people to their nearest GP/Pharmacy/Dentist/Optician/Hospital using the Scottish Service Directory.

Why we are doing this

It is anticipated that a 'symptom checker in your pocket' will enable people to take charge of their own health, have an increased knowledge of how and where to access help and support, and reduce pressure on NHS Scotland services by providing tools for appropriate self-care.

Who is leading this work


When it will be delivered by

Initial product October 2022

What we will deliver

Launch a digital inclusion programme with a focus on mental health and housing.

Why we are doing this

To support the increase in access to a range of health and care services through digital, raising awareness and digital skills for people who could benefit most.

Who is leading this work

Scottish Government and partners, and Scottish Council of Voluntary Organisations

When it will be delivered by

March 2023



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