
Care in the Digital Age: delivery plan 2022 to 2023

The national delivery plan describes activities supporting Health Boards, HSCPs, local authorities, primary care, social care, social work, and care providers to offer new or improved services, whether through improved systems and infrastructure, or access to digital services.

Digital Skills and Leadership

Priority Four: Digital skills are seen as core skills for the workforce across the health and care sector.

In order to embed digital transformation, leaders across health and care must be equipped with the necessary digital skills. That extends to the skills required to identify where digital could be used, rather than just how to use digital. This requires us to continue building knowledge and skills within the health and care system to support and deliver digital transformation. This starts from the top of an organisation, from Board-level down. The success of digital transformation is entirely reliant on people's ability to know when, why and, crucially, how to use digital. Workforce development in digital skills, leadership and capabilities across the whole health and care sector underpins the successful uptake and use of digital technologies.

What we will deliver

Publish a comprehensive action plan clarifying the range of learning and development options for our integrated workforce. This will detail digital principles, learning outcomes and outputs, evaluation methodology and measurements of progress.

Why we are doing this

There is a range of different offers from different providers and we will reduce duplication, identify gaps, and provide more collaborative opportunities to improve understanding and skills of our shared workforce.

Who is leading this work

Scottish Government and Digitally Enabled Workforce Programme Board

When it will be delivered by

Initial Action Plan document agreed by December 2022. Updates provided in advance and discussed at Programme Board meetings.

What we will deliver

Provide a Leading Digital Transformation in Health and Care MSc for 60 people a year.

Why we are doing this

Provision of effective and efficient health and care services requires an understanding of the role digital plays. Places open to staff from health, housing and care.

Who is leading this work

NHS Education for Scotland and sub-contracted partners

When it will be delivered by

First cohort starts March/April 2023

What we will deliver

Digital Mindset Masterclasses. Initially three two-hour masterclasses. The initial pilots being one professional specialist group and two territorial Health Boards.

Why we are doing this

To equip Board-level executives and non-executives with the understanding of digital health, governance and leadership skills necessary to support transforming service delivery.

Why we are doing this

This includes a train the trainer approach so that the pilot can be scaled and continued longer term dependent on commitments, evaluation and permanence of the team.

Who is leading this work

NHS Education for Scotland

When it will be delivered by

Initial pilots March 2023.

What we will deliver

Review roles and career pathways to support Digital, Data and Technology workforce.

Why we are doing this

To support and develop this specialist workforce to enable delivery of related priorities.

Who is leading this work

NHS Education for Scotland and Scottish Government partners

When it will be delivered by

August 2023

What we will deliver

Review of Information Governance Framework.

Why we are doing this

Shared understanding of Information Governance is essential to successful partnership service delivery.

Who is leading this work

NES and Scottish Government

When it will be delivered by

September 2022 onwards

Create a library of digital skills resources.

Why we are doing this

Recent user research confirmed a demand for readily accessible, reliable, role-focused digital resources. Including videos, checklists, condition-specific care guides and good practice case studies

Who is leading this work

NHS Education for Scotland

When it will be delivered by

June 2022 onwards

What we will deliverCreation of a Knowledge, Information and Data (KIND) virtual learning academy.

Why we are doing this

To support multi-disciplinary and geographically neutral collaboration.

Who is leading this work

NHS Education for Scotland, Healthcare Improvement Scotland and Public Healthcare Scotland

When it will be delivered by

June 2022 onwards

What we will deliver

Identification of requirements (roles, responsibilities, knowledge and skills) for IG competency framework across health and care.

Why we are doing this

To improve the information governance services in Scotland addressing the recommendations of the IG Review.

Who is leading this work

NHS Education for Scotland and Scottish Government

When it will be delivered by

Complete March 2023

What we will deliver

New service design resources to support local skills and understanding of how to embed digital transformation, through completion of the Transforming Local System pathfinder programme and associated evaluation report.

Why we are doing this

This will allow us to demonstrate the impact of, and share the learning from, the programme and user-centred design in health, housing and care.

Who is leading this work

Scottish Government

When it will be delivered by

March 2023



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