
Care Experienced Children and Young People Fund: national operational guidance 2022

National operational guidance for care experienced children school attainment funding 2022 to 2023.

Impacts and Outcomes

Nationally published data, such as the annual Educational Outcomes for Scotland's Looked after Children, the National Improvement Framework and the Framework for Recovery and Accelerating Progress will be used to measure impact. Improved school attendance, reduced exclusions, evidence of better engagement with education, or specific improvement in relation to a specific action in the child's plan or education support plan would also be useful measures of evaluation.

The National Improvement Framework and Improvement Plan is designed to help us deliver the twin aims of excellence and equity; galvanising efforts and aligning our collective improvement activities across all partners in the education system to address our key priorities. At national level, this Improvement Plan summarises the key evidence and identifies both ongoing and new improvement activity that we will be taking forward or supported at national level. These plans will play an important role in measuring ongoing activity and the impact of this work stream.



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