
Care Experienced Children and Young People Fund: national operational guidance 2022

National operational guidance for care experienced children school attainment funding 2022 to 2023.

Use of CECYP Funding

How can it be used?

It is important to note that all care experienced children and young people aged between 0-26 are eligible for support. Local authorities, as corporate parents, should identify the ways in which the funding can be best used to improve attainment of their care experienced children and young people. This may include working with other corporate parents such as Further and Higher Education Institutions, other national bodies, Early Years providers and post‑16 employment, training and education providers. In addition, third sector and voluntary sector organisations can provide support and services to children and families for both school based and non-school based issues.

The funding is allocated to local authorities, with the Chief Social Work Officer and the Chief Education Officer, assisted by Attainment Advisors, working in collaboration with planning partners, and other professionals, carers and children and young people, to assess where the funds could have the most impact on attainment. The funding should have a clear focus on delivering equity and improving educational outcomes for care experienced children and young people. Therefore, the involvement/views of children and young people should be sought at all stages of the process, from planning through to delivery and evaluation. Details of the methods used to involve the views of children and young people in the planning process should be included in reporting.



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