
Care Experienced Children and Young People Fund: national operational guidance 2022

National operational guidance for care experienced children school attainment funding 2022 to 2023.


There are some commonly held misconceptions around the use of Care Experienced Children and Young People Funding which are addressed below.

"Only children aged between 5-15 can benefit from Care Experienced Children and Young People Funding"

False. Although allocations are based on those aged between 5-15, children and young people aged between 0-26 can benefit from the funding.

"Funding can only be used if a young person is on the child protection register."

False. Funding can be used to support anyone who has been or is currently in care or from a looked-after background at any stage in their life, no matter how short.

"Funding can not be used on young people who have been adopted."

False. The term care experienced is used to be as inclusive as possible and includes children and young people who have been adopted.



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