
Care Home Data Review: questionnaire response data

Respondent data from the Care Home Data Review questionnaire.


Below are the main takeaways for this questionnaire:

  •  the survey has provided useful information on the current care home data landscape. However, it is important to note that the sample that these findings are drawn was self-selecting and relatively small so these should not be interpreted as definitive findings
  •  the results presented here, along with the more detailed information provided in responses, will be used to inform the review
  •  the questionnaire is only one part of wider stakeholder engagement and the information collected will be combined with, and considered alongside, other feedback collected as part of the wider evidence base
  •  as we progress with the CHDR we will use all the evidence captured to inform the review recommendations for making improvements to the care home data landscape



 We would like to thank all the individuals and organisations who completed this questionnaire for the time and effort they gave to the review. In particular, the following organisations gave us permission to cite their names in the final results:

  •  Angus Health and Social Care Partnership
  •  Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre (DHI)
  •  Health and Social Care Moray
  •  NHS Ayrshire and Arran
  •  Pepperwood Care
  •  Tigh a’Chomainn Camphill


For further information on the progress of the CHDR please contact the team at



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