
Care Home Data Review: questionnaire response data

Respondent data from the Care Home Data Review questionnaire.

Data Providers

Data Returns

This chart shows respondents thoughts on how easy it was to provide data for the different data sets. Responses were collected from options of: Very difficult, Moderately Difficult, Neither easy or difficult, Moderately Easy and Very Easy. The chart only includes publications with more than 10 responses.

For a list of data returns, we asked respondents to rate the ease of providing data by asking the question “How easy is it for your organisation to provide the following data?”.

The above only includes publications with over 10 responses, we can see only the TURAS safety huddle tool had over 50% of respondents who found it moderately or very easy to provide data for.

All other publications had a majority of users who found it difficult or neither easy or difficult to return data.

Data Returns – Issues

Organisations were asked to select issues that they faced when returning data.

The percentage of respondents selecting each issue varied between data returns, but the items most chosen across the different publications was:

 “Lack of staff resource / time”. 

Responses noted that it is not always individual data collections that take up significant time, but the cumulative weight of completing multiple smaller requests, often containing overlapping data.

One respondent described this as “Death by 1,000 cuts. Another mentioned having to report a single incident “In triplicate, in different formats, to different organisations.

Information shared back and Demand for Additional Data

This chart shows the producers thoughts on data being shared back. The light blue shows their thoughts on whether information was shared back and the dark blue shows whether they would like additional data shared back with them.

  •  half (50%) of data providers said that data was not currently shared back with them, with under one third (29%) saying that it was.
  •  nearly half of the data providers (46%), said they would like additional data shared back with them.

Free Text – Main Changes to Data Provision

Data providers were asked to provide free text responses to the question:

 “What do you consider the main change(s) that could best benefit you as a data provider and/or reduce the collective burden of data provision?”.

Key themes that came up in the responses are listed below:

  •  the burden of data provision
  •  changes to systems and the data provision processes
  •  communication and guidance
  •  relevance and Usefulness of Data

A summary of the additional information provided in the free text responses, relating to these themes, is provided below.

This image shows grouped examples of the 4 categories listed above. Communication and guidance:  • The lack of “clear guidance/specification” given to data providers and a lack of clear understanding of what being collected, both of which lead to poor data quality. • Better feedback on how data is being used and its benefits.  • When new data requests are made, engage with providers, and clearly explain the rationale for these.  • Engagement should be with a wider range of stakeholders to ensure a cross section of opinion and avoid hearing the same voices. Relevance and usefulness of data • Data provided at national level “is of limited use as we produce our own local analysis as required to meet our own strategic planning and operational requirements”. • It was noted that care homes first needed “access to the data” before it can be useful. • Providing data “can feel like a time-consuming exercise that has no benefit”. For example, it was noted that the data provided does not appear to have any effect on the support a data provider may receive. • Questions tend to have a focus on elderly care homes and there not appropriate for all home. Suggestion to make questions “service specific”, and not generic to all types of care homes. Systems and processes • Organisations to share data between each other in a timely manner, reducing duplication between returns. “speak to each other before asking us”. • Comments mentioned that there seemed to be no consideration that different organisations (e.g. different HSCPs) use different systems. There is a need for IT systems to “speak with each other”, e.g. between NHS and HSCPs. Burden of data provision • Reduced volume of data requested – consistent and proportionate requests. • Reduced frequency of requests (unless home is at risk). • More notice / lead time for each request.



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