Care Home Data Review Summary Report

The Care Home Data Review (CHDR) is a multi-agency (Scottish Government, Public Health Scotland, and Care Inspectorate) review of the national data landscape relating to care homes for adults.

Key stages & outputs from the review

(i) Mapping of the data landscape

In order to understand the current data landscape, a compilation of all the national data sources and definitions relating to care homes has been produced. The mapping covers both official statistics and management information. The data mapping will increase the transparency around the data collected and its usage. It will also allow us to identify similarities and overlaps and will help facilitate rationalisation between collections. The mapping is published on the Care Home Data Review webpage.

(ii) Stakeholder Engagement & Literature Review

Discussions have been held with a wide range of stakeholders asking for their views about care home data. This includes meetings with individual organisations and attending existing stakeholder group meetings. In March 2023, we held a Care Home Data Review workshop which had over 100 participants from a range of care home data providers and users. Care home data providers and users were also invited to respond to an online questionnaire regarding their experiences of providing and/or using care home data. Further details on the stakeholder engagement are available on the Care Home Data Review webpage.

The review has also drawn on the published literature as part of the evidence gathering.

(iii) Care Home Data Review Report & Recommendations

The Data Review report is the main output from the first phase of the review. The report summarises the feedback under a number of key themes and presents both the desired outcomes from any improvements and the recommended actions needed to bring about these outcomes. The report and recommendations are a key step in producing an action plan, and ultimately a road map, to take forward the improvements/changes required. This work will be taken forward by the Care Home Data Working Group (see section on Next Steps, below).

In addition to this summary report, a full report on the Care Home Data Review will also be available in due course.



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