Care Home Data Review Summary Report

The Care Home Data Review (CHDR) is a multi-agency (Scottish Government, Public Health Scotland, and Care Inspectorate) review of the national data landscape relating to care homes for adults.

Next Steps – Care Home Data Working Group

This report represents the end of the first phase of the review. It is acknowledged that many of the themes identified in the review are not new, and throughout the review stakeholders have expressed frustration with the perceived lack of progress in either making, or producing a co-ordinated plan to take forward, substantive improvements for both data users and providers.

It is also recognised that some of the recommendations from the review may lead to fundamental changes to the way that data are collected, shared, communicated and used across the sector. Implementing these recommendations will need a phased programme of work and will require the input and help of all organisations involved in providing/producing care home data to lead on taking forward the resultant work strands from the review.

For the next phase of the review, we are currently setting up a Care Home Data Working Group. The Working Group will have representatives from a wide range of stakeholders across the sector. The group will be responsible for prioritising the recommendations from the review and developing a multi-agency action plan and timetable for implementation. This will help ensure that we can embed joint priorities across organisations to improve the care home data landscape. It is anticipated that a number of Short Life Working Groups may be set up to take forward the various work strands of the review.



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