Care Leaver Payment: consultation analysis

Independent analysis of the responses received to the Care Leaver Payment consultation.

Annex 1: Organisational respondents

The consultation received responses from 37 organisations or groups.

Public sector organisations (20)

  • Aberdeen City Council
  • Aberdeenshire Council
  • Children and Young People's Commissioner Scotland
  • Children's Hearings Scotland
  • City of Edinburgh Council - Throughcare and Aftercare
  • Dumfries & Galloway Council, Young People's Transitions Team
  • Edinburgh Champions Board and City of Edinburgh Council Corporate Parenting Board
  • Falkirk Council's young people
  • ILF Scotland
  • NHS Borders School Nursing Team
  • NHS Lanarkshire
  • North Ayrshire Childrens Services Strategic Partnership
  • North Ayrshire Council Education Service
  • North Lanarkshire Council
  • Perth and Kinross Council Throughcare and Aftercare Team
  • Renfrewshire Council, Children Services
  • South Lanarkshire Council
  • Stirling Council
  • West Lothian Council

Third sector organisations (12)

  • Aberlour
  • Association for Fostering, Kinship and Adoption Scotland (AFKA Scotland)
  • Barnardo's Scotland
  • Children in Scotland
  • Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland (the ALLIANCE)
  • includem
  • Inspiring Scotland (intandem programme)
  • MyBnk
  • Rossie Young People’s Trust
  • The Low Incomes Tax Reform Group
  • The Promise Scotland
  • Who Cares? Scotland

Other organisation types (5)

  • Children and Young People’s Centre for Justice (CYCJ)
  • Colleges Scotland
  • Scottish Association for Social Work and Social Workers (SASW, part of BASW UK)
  • Social Work Scotland



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