Carer's Allowance Supplement: equality impact assessment

The aim of Carer’s Allowance Supplement (CAS) is to improve outcomes for carers in receipt of Carer’s Allowance (CA) by providing some additional financial support. It is intended to have a positive impact on the 72,942 carers in Scotland who are in receipt of CA.


1. DWP Stat-Xplore

2. Carer's Allowance on

3. Single person's 25+ rate of Jobseeker's Allowance - from

4. Ibid.

5. Carers UK (2017) State of Caring 2017, Carers Scotland (2017) State of Caring in Scotland 2017

6. Carers UK as part of the Jo Cox Loneliness Commission (2017) The world shrinks: Carer loneliness

7. Carers UK (2017) State of Caring 2017, Carers Scotland (2017) State of Caring in Scotland 2017



10. Scottish Government Social Security website:


12. Carduff, E., Finucane, A., Kendall, M., Jarvis, A., Harrison, N., Greenachre, J. and Murray, S. (2014) Understanding the barriers to identifying carers of people with advanced illness in primary care: triangulating three data sources. BMC Family Practice, 48(15).

13. Carduff, E., Finucane, A., Kendall, M., Jarvis, A., Harrison, N., Greenachre, J. and Murray, S. (2014) Understanding the barriers to identifying carers of people with advanced illness in primary care: triangulating three data sources. BMC Family Practice, 48(15).

14. Smyth, C., Blaxland, M. and Cass, B. (2011) So that's how I found out I was a young carer and that I actually had been a carer most of my life' Identifying and supporting hidden young carers. Journal of Youth Studies, 14(2).

15. Carduff, et al., 2014

16. DWP Stat-Xplore

17. Ibid.

18. Ibid.

19. Scottish Government (2015) Scotland's Carers

20. Ibid.

21. Ibid.

22. Children and Young People's Commissioner Scotland (February 2017) "Coping is difficult, but I feel proud" - Perspectives on mental health and wellbeing of young carers

23. Citizens Advice Scotland (2018) Disconnected. Understanding digital exclusion and improving access.

24. Scottish Government (2017) Scottish Health Survey 2016

25. Scottish Government (2015) Scotland's Carers

26. DWP Stat-Xplore

27. Scottish Government (2017) Scottish Health Survey 2016

28. The development of a screening tool to identify carers in a general practice by a large-scale mailed survey: the experience in one Scottish general practice

29. Carers Trust Scotland (2016) Young People Caring OUT There: Experiences of LGBT young adult carers in Scotland

30. Scottish Government (2014) Analysis of Equality Results from the 2011 Census

31. Maternity Allowance 'What you'll get' on GOV.UK

32. Children and Young People's Commissioner Scotland (February 2017) "Coping is difficult, but I feel proud" - Perspectives on mental health and wellbeing of young carers

33. Allmark P, Salway S, Crisp R & Barley R (2010) Ethnic Minority Customers of the Pension, Disability and Carers Service: An Evidence Synthesis

34. MECOPP (2012) Hidden Carers, Unheard Voices. Informal caring within the Gypsy/Traveller community in Scotland



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