
The Carer's Assistance (Carer Support Payment) (Scotland) Draft Regulations 2023: policy note

This instrument sets out the rules and eligibility criteria for The Carer’s Assistance (Carer Support Payment) (Scotland) Draft Regulations 2023 and includes provision for transfer of benefits for individuals who live in Scotland and receive CA to Social Security Scotland and Carer Support Payment.

Impact Assessments

An Equalities Impact Assessment, Island Communities Impact Assessment, Fairer Scotland Duty Impact Assessment, and a Children's Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment are being developed alongside Carer Support Payment policy at launch. Outline assessments were published with the consultation to take feedback from respondents.

Current evidence on existing Carer's Allowance recipients tells us that 90% of them live in a household with a disabled person, 70% of them are women and 11.5% are from lone parent households. They are also more likely to be in the bottom half of the income distribution. BAME carers are more likely to face financial difficulties and those with intensive caring roles are more likely to live in socially deprived areas.

It is anticipated from the analysis in the impact assessments that the commencement of Carer Support Payment will have a broadly positive impact on a range of equalities groups, island communities and in relation to the realisation of children's rights and improving their wellbeing. There are no significant equalities or rights impacts that require further consideration in relation to the commencement of these regulations, however the impact assessments will set out the actions we will take in delivering Carer Support Payment to reach the broadest possible range of carers.

A Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) is also being prepared in relation to this instrument.



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