
The Carer's Assistance (Carer Support Payment) (Scotland) Draft Regulations 2023: policy note

This instrument sets out the rules and eligibility criteria for The Carer’s Assistance (Carer Support Payment) (Scotland) Draft Regulations 2023 and includes provision for transfer of benefits for individuals who live in Scotland and receive CA to Social Security Scotland and Carer Support Payment.

Suspension of assistance

Provisions relating to suspension of assistance are included in the draft Regulations in line with provisions set out in the 2018 Act. Regulation 29 sets out the specific circumstances in which entitlement can be suspended. Suspension powers are limited in line with the overall approach for devolved benefits, in recognition of concerns around the impact of benefit suspensions on clients. Broadly we will suspend payments where information has not been provided on time, where a third party is unable to receive payments, or where there is suspected financial abuse. Regulations also set out the considerations that Scottish Ministers must make before suspending assistance to prevent hardship to carers, the individual's right to request a review of the suspension, the information that should be provided to the individual when a suspension occurs, circumstances in which a suspension should end and the effect of a suspension ending.



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