
Carers Census data short-life working group: documents

A short life working group was set up in June 2016 to develop data specification and guidance for a new data collection on support to carers which is being introduced to monitor the impact of the Carers Act.

Working group agendas

Agenda: 29 June 2016
Agenda: 21 July 2016
Agenda: 24 August 2016
Agenda: 20 October 2016

Working group minutes: 2016

Minutes of the carers data short-Life working group: June
Minutes of the carers data short-life working group: July
Minutes of the carers data short-life working group: August

Working group papers: July 2016

Paper 1: support for carers
Paper 2: remit of group, members and timescales
Paper 3: draft carers data specification
Paper 4: carer questions
Paper 5: measuring outcomes
Paper 6: draft data specification
Paper 7: draft consultation questions
Paper 8: draft data specification
Paper 9: draft consultation questions
Paper 10: carers census baseline data
Paper: Health and Care Experience Survey
Presentation: carers data options
Presentation: new data on carers - 29 June 2016
Update: carers IMG - May 2018
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