Carers Legislation - Analysis of Consultation Responses
Report of the independent analysis of the responses to the Carers Legislation public consultation
Annex 2: Alternative Response Formats
In addition to the 164 standard consultation responses, 513 respondents submitted their response using a template distributed by the Coalition of Carers and local carers centres .
The Coalition of Carers produced a template containing seven statements which people could tick to indicate their support.
The majority of these respondents who returned this template said that they support the Carers Bill and the following numbers said they would like to see the following:
- 473 wanted to see a duty on local authorities to support carers according to an eligibility framework and a discretionary power to support carers who do not meet eligibility.
- 472 wanted to see a duty on local authorities to provide and promote short breaks.
- 473 wanted to see a duty on local authorities to offer all carers a carer's support plan, including young carers who are about to turn 18.
- 475 wanted to see a duty on local authorities to establish and maintain a service for providing carers with information and advice on their rights, support, and access to a carers support plan.
- 472 wanted to see a duty on health agencies to inform and involve carers in hospital admission and discharge procedures.
- 472 wanted to see the inclusion of emergency planning in carers support plans.
- 471 wanted to see a named person in each health practice, responsible for managing a GP carer register, identifying carers, supporting them and signposting them to other services.
Thirty respondents did not state their agreement or disagreement with the statements provided but instead made other comments, stressing their priorities and concerns. These included:
- That the Carers Bill may make it easier to identify the many 'invisible' carers; those who do not ask for help.
- That all carers a should have a Carer's Support Plan.
- That the Carer's Bill recognises the importance of carers and values the vital role they play.
- That caring is hard work; that carers put their lives on hold and can affect their physical and mental health and well-being.
- The need for support for all carers.
- The need for support for young carers.
- The need for support before a situation reaches crisis point.
- The need for a register of carers.
- That carers should be protected in their 'work' in the same way that all other workers are protected.
- The need for training for carers.
- The need for more information for carers on support available.
- The need for respite or other breaks for carers.
- The need for financial support; both for carers and to put in place the proposals in this consultation.
- The need to inform and involve carers in relation to hospital admission and discharges.
- The need for duties on local authorities to ensure proposals are put into practice; and for monitoring and accountability.
- The need for consistency and standardisation across local authority areas.
- That the Carers Bill will ensure carers get the support they require and will make life easier for carers.
There were also 909 responses based on the Care:Fair:Share questionnaire distributed by the Scottish Youth Parliament. The following paragraphs outline the response to this questionnaire (The percentages do not add to 100% as not all respondents answered every question).
- Do you think young carers should be involved in the planning, shaping, and delivery of services both for cared-for people and young carers?
- 92% said yes, 6% said no
- Do you think young carers should have more flexibility in how they spend direct payments for support they receive from local authorities, rather than receiving a care package?
- 84% said yes, 14% said no
- Do you think all local authorities have a duty to support young carers, allowing them to participate in leisure and recreational activities without financial burden?
- 92% said yes, 5% said no
- Do you think all local authorities should have a duty to hold information centrally about young carers and younger adult carers in schools, colleges, and universities?
- 80% said yes, 1% said no
- For monitoring purposes, do you think all local authorities should be required to keep information about young adult carers aged 18-25 specifically, separate from information about all adult carers over 18?
- 68% said yes, 28% said no
- Do you think the carers legislation and guidance that follows should specifically mention the needs of young adult carers as they move into adulthood in order to highlight the different challenges they face at this point in their lives, including the possibility for increased financial strain?
- 87% said yes, 17% said no
- Do you think all local authorities should be required to meet minimum national expectations about providing services and support for young carers?
- 86% said yes, 8% said no
- As young carers move into adulthood, should they be automatically offered a new support plan by their local authority to consider their changing needs?
- 78% said yes, 10% said no
Email: Connie Smith
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