
Carers Legislation - Consultation on Proposals - January 2014: Easy Read

A consultation on proposed legislative measures to further support carers and young carers in Scotland.

What is this consultation about?

Lots of people in Scotland are carers. They work very hard to give unpaid care to family or friends. Many more give care but do not call themselves carers.

There are more carers than ever before. Caring takes up a lot of their time and can be very difficult.

Young carers are giving care to their parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters. They are proud to be carers. They give a lot to society. Being carers should not stop them from enjoying childhood and their teenage years.

The Government has been doing more to support carers over the past few years. But lots of carers have a lot of stress and worry and are still not getting enough support.

We want to change the law so that carers get more help and support.

We want to ask you some questions about new laws to help carers.

Who is this consultation for?

We would like to hear from:

  • carers,
  • young carers,
  • people who are being cared for,
  • professionals who work with carers.

You do not have to answer all of the questions. Just answer the ones you want to answer.


Email: Alun Ellis

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