
Carers Legislation - Consultation on Proposals - January 2014: Easy Read

A consultation on proposed legislative measures to further support carers and young carers in Scotland.

Support for carers

The law doesn't say local authorities have to support carers at the moment. After April 2014, there will be a new law called the Social Care (Self-directed Support) (Scotland) Act. This will mean that local authorities will have to do a carer's assessment for every carer who asks for one or who is found to be a carer. It will be up to the local authority to decide if support is needed and if it will give that support.

Question 11

Should we make a rule saying that local authorities have to give support to carers and young carers who qualify?

Yes If you said yes, please go to question 13

No If you said no, please go to question 12


Question 12

Should we keep the rules as they are now, and let local authorities decide if they will give support?




One of the best ways to help carers and young carers is to give them short breaks. Short breaks let carers have time out from caring so they can recharge their batteries.

Short breaks can be holidays, leisure activities or meeting up with friends. They can include the person being cared for or just the carer.

We could make it a rule that local authorities have to give short breaks to carers.

Question 13

Should we make a rule that local authorities have to give short breaks to carers?





Email: Alun Ellis

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