Carers Legislation - Consultation on Proposals - January 2014: Easy Read

A consultation on proposed legislative measures to further support carers and young carers in Scotland.

Stages and Transitions

Things can change the kind of care a person needs. We call these stages. The kind of care a person needs can change. The carer might have to spend more time caring for the person. The carer might have to learn how to give new medicines or use new equipment.

Question 14

Should we change the rules so that the Carer's Support Plan helps deal with different stages of care?




We call it a transition when carers or the people being cared for grow up from children to adults. The change in their needs has to be looked at carefully so they keep getting the best support.

Question 15.

Should the new rules let young carers have a Carer's Support Plan if they are going to become adult carers?





Email: Alun Ellis

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