
Caring Together: The Carers Strategy for Scotland 2010 - 2015

The Scottish Government and COSLA are determined to ensure that carers are supported to manage their caring responsibilities with confidence and in good health, and to have a life of their own outside of caring.


1. The Energy Assistance Package ( EAP), launched on 6 April 2009, aims to tackle fuel poverty by providing a four-stage package of help targeted at those most in need:

  • Stage 1 energy advice is available to all who contact the managing agent for the scheme.
  • Stage 2 provides help with improving incomes through benefit checks and, reducing energy bills by moving applicants, where appropriate, on to their energy providers social tariff.
  • Stage 3 provides a eligible households with loft and cavity insulation, where this is needed.
  • Stage 4 can provide enhanced energy efficiency measures such as central heating, air source heat pumps, external and internal wall insulation.

2. A household is eligible for assistance if the house has an energy rating of bands E, F and G and they are in receipt of a qualifying benefit. Help is also available for people over 60 who live in a house that doesn't have a central heating system and for those over 75 who live in an energy inefficient dwelling.

3. The package is available to property owners and private sector tenants. Social landlords have a programme to improve their properties to meet the Scottish Housing Quality Standard and so are not eligible.

4. EAP is tackling rural fuel poverty by including a wide range of measures such as external and internal wall insulation and air source heat pumps for hard-to-treat homes.

5. Advice on income maximisation is available to everyone who calls the freephone number.

6. From 10 May 2010 new Regulations came into force extending the eligibility criteria to include all children under the age of 16 where families receive a qualifying benefit and live in an energy inefficient home. Prior to this, the eligibility criteria included families with disabled children under the age of 16. The Scottish Government monitors the uptake of the energy assistance package.

7. Information on the Energy Assistance Package is available by calling the freephone number 0800 512 012 or by accessing

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