
Caring Together: The Carers Strategy for Scotland 2010 - 2015

The Scottish Government and COSLA are determined to ensure that carers are supported to manage their caring responsibilities with confidence and in good health, and to have a life of their own outside of caring.

FOOTNOTES for Caring Together: The Carers Strategy for Scotland 2010 - 2015

1. Scottish Household Survey, 2007-08

2. Carers UK/University of Leeds, Valuing Carers, 2007

3. Carers UK

4. Extrapolated from UK figure of an estimated 700,000 children, Family Resource Survey, ONS

5. Carers in Crisis (2008), Carers UK

6. Carers UK

7. British Medical Journal: Training Care Givers of Stroke Patients: Economic Evaluation, 2004

8. Hirst, Michael, Hearts and Minds: the health effects of caring (2004), University of York and Carers Scotland

9. The Social and Economic Value of Short Breaks, nef Consulting, December 2009

10. A Weight off my Mind: Exploring the Potential Impact and Benefits of Telecare for Carers, 2009 - University of Leeds and Carers Scotland

11. Changing Lives: Report on the 21st Century Social Work Review

12. When comparing revenue expenditure levels in 2008-09 to previous years, there was a change to the local government funding structure in 2008-09, with the former ring-fenced revenue grants being rolled up into General Revenue Funding. As a result of this change, the figure in 2008-09 is not wholly comparable with the previous years' figures.

13. published on 1 June 2010

14. Respite Care, Scotland 2009 (Final Figures)

15. The Future of Unpaid Care in Scotland, 2006

16. Scottish Executive Response to the Care 21 Report: The Future of Unpaid Care in Scotland

17. Scottish Consortium for Learning Disability: e SAY project

18. Further information can be found at the Equality and Human Rights Commission ( EHRC) website at:

19. The Scottish Government defines cultural competence as: 'a service which recognises and meets the diverse needs of people of different cultural backgrounds. A key part of cultural competence is ensuring the discrimination on the basis of culture, belief, race, nationality or colour has no role in the delivery of services.'

20. Local authorities may be able to provide information on community transport services operating in their area. In addition, the Community Transport Association , Tel 0870 774 3591 or e-mail, may be able to provide details of community transport services in rural parts of Scotland.


22. PRTC Carer Centre Survey, 2010

23. Under the Social Work (Scotland) Act 1968, as amended by the Community Care and Health (Scotland) Act 2002, carers who provide "a substantial amount of care on a regular basis" are entitled to an assessment.

24. The helpline number is: 08456 001 001 and the website address is

25. Royal College of Psychiatrists produced 'Carers and Confidentiality in Mental Health: issues involved in sharing information'

BMA Working with Carers: guidelines for good practice

Royal College of GPs - Confidentiality (2009) sets out the principles of confidentiality and respect for patients' privacy that doctors are expected to understand and follow. Below is link to chapter related to carers:, paragraph 29



28. The York Health Economics Consortium ( YHEC)

29. A Weight off My Mind - Exploring the Impact and Potential Benefits of Telecare for Unpaid Carers in Scotland, December 2009

30. Money Well Spent: The effectiveness and value of housing adaptations. Joseph Rowntree Foundation 2001

31. Handle With Care: A Report on the Moving and Handling of Children and Young People with Disabilities. SCCYP 2008

32. Out of Pocket, Carers UK, 2007

33. Who Cares Wins: The Social and Business Benefits of Supporting Working Carers, 2006, Bucker L and Yendle S, Carers UK

34. National Framework for Carers and Employment, Carers Scotland (2007)

35. Set up in 2007, Skills Development Scotland is a non-departmental public body, accountable to Scottish Ministers

36. Executive Non Departmental Public Bodies ( NDPBs), Advisory NDPBs, Tribunals, NHS Bodies and other significant national bodies

37. Carers in Crisis (2008), Carers Scotland and Carers UK

38. Caring and Pensioner Poverty: A Report on Older Carers, Employment and Benefits (2005), Carers UK; Carers' Missing Millions (2003), Carers UK; Carers in Crisis (2008)


40. More information is available at:


42. The bodies funded by the Scottish Government (which excludes the Further and Higher Education sectors and local authorities)

43. NHS Carer Information Strategies: Minimum Requirements and Guidance on Implementation, NHSHDL (2006) 22, 24 April 2006

44. Action for Carers and Employment 2003-2008, Carers UK and Carers Scotland with partners

45. Learning for Living

46. CCD 5/2009: Guidance on the Provision of Equipment and Adaptations


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