
Caring Together: The Carers Strategy for Scotland 2010 - 2015

The Scottish Government and COSLA are determined to ensure that carers are supported to manage their caring responsibilities with confidence and in good health, and to have a life of their own outside of caring.


1.1 The Scottish Government and COSLA intend to ensure that the Action Points in this strategy are taken forward and will keep the strategy under review to be able to respond quickly to new policy, fiscal and resource developments. We will formally review this five-year strategy by August 2013. We will scope out the nature of this review later.

1.2 The consolidated list of Action Points is set out in Appendix 3. A detailed Implementation Plan will be further developed over the coming months.

1.3 The Scottish Government intends to establish an Implementation and Monitoring Group comprising a range of stakeholders to oversee implementation of the strategy. This Group will report to the Scottish Government and COSLA Health and Community Care Delivery Group. There will be a further line of accountability to the Ministerial Strategic Group on Health and Community Care. There will be different (but linked) arrangements in relation to implementation of the young carers part of the strategy as set out in that part.


The Scottish Government, with COSLA, will keep this strategy under review. An Implementation and Monitoring Group will report annually on progress, with the first report being undertaken by August 2011. A formal review will be concluded by August 2013. As part of the review the Scottish Government, with COSLA, and informed by the views of stakeholders, including carers, will decide whether new or revised Actions would be appropriate.

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