
Caring Together: The Carers Strategy for Scotland 2010 - 2015

The Scottish Government and COSLA are determined to ensure that carers are supported to manage their caring responsibilities with confidence and in good health, and to have a life of their own outside of caring.


Additional Support for Learning A framework for local authorities and other agencies to identify and address the support needs of children and young people who face barriers to their learning.
Alcohol and Drug Partnerships ( ADPs) Alcohol and Drug Partnerships ( ADPs) have been set up for every local council area to transform the provision of services to tackle substance misuse. ADPs are developing and implementing local alcohol and drugs strategies to reduce the numbers of people with substance misuse problems.
Association of Directors of Social Work ( ADSW) ADSW is the professional association representing senior social work managers in local government in Scotland.
Black and Minority Ethnic ( BME) Any minority group who has a shared race, nationality, language and culture. House of Lords definition of an ethnic group - "Essential features are a long shared history and a common cultural tradition. There may also be some of the following present: common geographical location from a small number of ancestors; a common language; a common literature; a common religion; and, being a minority within a larger community." An alternative definition is: "A group of people who share certain background characteristics such as common ancestors, geographical origin, language, culture and religion. This provides them with a distinct identity as seen by both themselves and others."
Children Affected by Parental Substance Misuse ( CAPSM) Early identification of more children at risk in substance misusing families and the subsequent delivery of services to address their needs so that they are properly protected and supported.
Community Health Partnerships ( CHPs) Community Health Partnerships were established by NHS Boards as key building blocks in the modernisation of the NHS and joint services, with a vital role in partnership, integration and service redesign.
Concordat The agreement in November 2007 between the Scottish Government and local government, based on mutual respect and partnership. It underpins the funding to be provided to local government to March 2011.
Convention of Scottish Local Authorities ( COSLA) The representative voice of Scottish local government and the employers' association on behalf of all Scottish councils.
Curriculum for Excellence Curriculum for Excellence is the Scottish Government's major programme of reform for the education sector. It starts in nurseries and continues through schools, colleges and beyond.
Getting it Right for Every Child ( GIRFEC) Getting it right for every child is the foundation for work with all children and young people, including adult services where parents are involved.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender ( LGBT) Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.
More Choices, More Chances An Action Plan to Reduce the Proportion of Young People not in Education, Employment or Training in Scotland
National Carer Organisations ( NCOs)

The 5 voluntary organisations representing carers issues on a national basis:

  • Carers Scotland
  • Coalition of Carers in Scotland ( COCIS)
  • Crossroads Caring Scotland
  • Princess Royal Trust for Carers
  • Shared Care Scotland
NHSinform A single gateway provided by NHS 24 for the provision of quality assured health information for the population of Scotland.
Scottish Drugs Recovery Consortium ( SDRC)

The newly established consortium was launched on 1 June 2010. The SDRC is an independent national membership organisation established to drive and promote recovery for individuals, family members and communities affected by drugs across Scotland. The consortium is funded by the Scottish Government to support the implementation and delivery of the 'Road to Recovery' national drugs strategy. SDRC is a company limited by guarantee and is registered as a Scottish charity.

The SDRC will be an open and accessible vehicle for all of the key stakeholders - individuals who want to share their experience of recovery, mutual aid and community groups; treatment providers in statutory and non statutory settings; housing agencies; employment and training organisations; primary health providers; and specialist agencies. They will work together with people in recovery and their families to develop pathways to meaningful and sustained recovery. For more information about SDRC visit

Scottish Social Services Council ( SSSC) The Scottish Social Services Council ( SSSC) was established in October 2001 by the Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act. The SSSC is responsible for registering people who work in the social services and regulating their education and training.
Social Work Inspection Agency ( SWIA)

The Social Work Inspection Agency ( SWIA) is an independent Government agency formed to improve the quality of social work services across Scotland.

In 2011, there will be a single body for healthcare services and another body for social work and social care services, including child protection and the integration of children's services. The new bodies will take on work in these areas currently done by:

Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Education ( HMIE); NHS Quality Improvement Scotland ( NHSQIS); Social Work Inspection Agency ( SWIA); and the Care Commission.

Third Sector The Third Sector comprises social enterprises, voluntary organisations, co-operatives and mutuals. It has an important role in helping the Scottish Government achieve its purpose of creating a more successful country with opportunities for all to flourish, through achieving sustainable economic growth.

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