
CashBack for Communities phase 6: equality impact assessment

Equality impact assessment (EQIA) to consider the impacts on equality of the development of policy for phase 6 of the Cashback for Communities programme. The programme uses money recovered under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 to fund projects for children and young people.

3. Background

Ministers announced in June 2007 that they would use POCA funds in a positive way to expand young people’s horizons and increase the opportunities they have to develop their interests and skills. The intention was to support a range of activities in the areas of sports, culture and arts.

Phase 1 of CashBack, which ran from 2008 to 2011, allowed the testing of different approaches. Under Phase 2 there was an expansion of the programme as a result of POCA windfalls, appointment of a Fund Manager and improved monitoring and reporting. Phase 3 sharpened the focus on providing opportunities for young people to move into positive destinations, such as further education, volunteering and employment. The aim of Phase 4 was to tackle inequalities by delivering activities to raise the attainment, ambition and aspirations of young people. Phase 5 reflected previous phases and additionally developed a stronger focus on supporting young people, families and communities most affected by antisocial behaviour and crime.

Phase 6 builds on Phase 5 with a greater focus on tackling some of the underlying causes of antisocial and criminal behaviours. The 29 organisations that have been awarded CashBack funding for Phase 6 will deliver a range of projects for young people aged 10 to 25 that:

  • Support young people most at risk of being involved in antisocial behaviour, offending or reoffending towards or into positive destinations (training; further education; employment and volunteering).
  • Support young people, parents and families affected by Adverse Childhood Experiences and trauma.
  • Support young people to improve their health, mental health and wellbeing.
  • Support people, families and communities most affected by crime.

Projects use the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) to help target delivery in areas most likely to be affected by antisocial behaviour and crime. However, CashBack projects are on offer to children and young people in all 32 local authority areas, where a need is identified. Young people are referred to the programme in various ways, for example by statutory bodies, schools, equalities organisations, third sector organisations, youth services and other CashBack projects.



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