
CashBack for Communities phase 6: equality impact assessment

Equality impact assessment (EQIA) to consider the impacts on equality of the development of policy for phase 6 of the Cashback for Communities programme. The programme uses money recovered under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 to fund projects for children and young people.

4. The Scope of the EQIA

The Phase 6 programme is aimed at young people aged 10 to 25 living in areas hardest hit by crime across Scotland. It has been running successfully since 2008. We assess that it requires a high-level impact assessment.

Officials undertook a number of activities to help develop the Phase 6 programme. These included engagement with policy leads across Scottish Government, the CashBack Fund Manager, Phase 5 CashBack organisations and a survey of 850 young CashBack participants.

The Cashback Programme has a thorough process of reporting and evaluation. This consists of quarterly reports, annual reporting and an external evaluation of each overarching Phase. Case studies and experiences shared by the young people who take part in the programme are also an important source of evidence of impact. The EQIA has considered these sources of evidence as part of its scope.

Links to the most recent evaluations, impact reports and young people survey are included below:

CashBack for Communities Impact Evaluation: Phase 4

CashBack for Communities Impact Report for 2020-2021

CashBack for Communities Impact Report for 2021-2022

Highlights from the 2021-2022 Impact Report for Phase 5 include that:

  • Over 30,000 young people were supported during 2021-2022
  • 19,725 young people reported increased confidence
  • 19,418 young people improved their wellbeing
  • 17,343 were from the most deprived areas of Scotland
  • 17,179 reported positive behaviour changes
  • 7,473 young people felt less inclined to take part in criminal behaviour

Young People Survey: their views on CashBack

Key findings from the survey of 850 CashBack participants were:

  • 99% of respondents felt that the proceeds of crime should be reinvested in communities most impacted by crime.
  • An overwhelming positive response in respect of the value to young people and wide range of CashBack projects.
  • The vast majority of participants emphasised how easy it was to access CashBack activities, with 91% reporting no difficulties. Young people reporting difficulties accessing projects commonly cited personal circumstances such as drug use and mental health.
  • Participants saw CashBack projects as highly inclusive. They placed a strong emphasis on being listened to, and being supported, so that CashBack partners could reach the widest possible audience.

Young people placed most value on:

  • Improving mental health, particularly in relation to confidence, anxiety and social interaction;
  • Acquiring new skills and experiences;
  • Improving support networks through one-to-one support and guidance, from trusted and experienced mentors and staff; and
  • Volunteering and community connectivity.

A wide range of research and evidence was also used to underpin Stage 2 of the EQIA in relation to specific protected characteristics and their life experiences, including engagement in crime and the justice system.



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