
Census campaign 2022: evaluation report - phase 1 (February to March 2022)

An overview of the Scotland's Census 2022 public engagement campaign (February to March 2022), including independent evaluation results.

1. Background

For over 200 years, Scotland has used 10-yearly census data to underpin national and local decision making. Census Day 2022 was Sunday 20 March, with households initially able to complete the census between 28 February and 1 May.

A marketing campaign was developed to work alongside other levers and communications to support public response overall, and online response specifically.

The campaign was aimed at the general population but also targeted specific groups identified as less likely to complete, or less likely to complete online.

Activity ran across three converging phases of Awareness, Persuasion and Action during February and March.

An extension to the 2022 census deadline was put in place to allow members of the public more time to complete their questionnaire. Further marketing ran from mid-April and throughout May, to support completions. Evaluation is underway to assess this extended activity and will be reported on when complete.



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