
Census campaign 2022: evaluation report - phase 1 (February to March 2022)

An overview of the Scotland's Census 2022 public engagement campaign (February to March 2022), including independent evaluation results.

3. Target audience

Every household in Scotland has been asked to complete the census to provide an official count of every person and household in the country. The target audience for the communications was therefore all adults (16+) across Scotland but additional efforts were made to target specific groups within the population identified as less likely to complete, or less likely to complete online:

  • Young adults (not living with parents) – both students and non-students
  • DE socio-economic groups/high deprivation/low income
  • Parents of young children (aged up to 5 years old)
  • Those aged 75+
  • Those in Minority Ethnic communities
  • Those with physical, emotional or learning disabilities/difficulties
  • Gaelic speakers
  • Those living in rural locations.



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