
Census campaign 2022: evaluation report - phase 1 (February to March 2022)

An overview of the Scotland's Census 2022 public engagement campaign (February to March 2022), including independent evaluation results.

6. Campaign creative execution

Awareness (stage 1):

View the campaign film on YouTube.

Radio adverts were based on the same construct as the Awareness film.

Radio advert 'Patrick'

Radio advert 'Mohammed'

The following executions were used in out of home channels (OOH), on social media and elsewhere online.

Persuasion (stage 2):

Radio adverts featured different characters, and targeted different audiences.

Radio advert 'Moira', targeting the 75+ audience

Radio advert 'Fiona', targeting the Rural audience

Radio advert 'Wojciech', targeting the Minority Ethnic audience

Radio advert 'Jenny', targeting the Young Independent audience

Images appearing in OOH, online, in newspapers/magazines are shown below.

Media buying for each reflected the audience being targeted.

Action (stage 3):

View the campaign film on YouTube.

A radio advert using a similar script and voiceover to the film also ran.

The following executions were used in OOH, on social media and elsewhere online.



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