
Census public engagement campaign 2022 – extension activity (April to May 2022): evaluation report

An overview of the Scotland's Census 2022 public engagement campaign extension (April to May 2022), including independent evaluation results.

10. Supporting activity results

Media relations activity generated 438 pieces of coverage: print (215), online (129) and broadcast (94) coverage.

Across the 35 Field events, 2,715 people were engaged with – including answering questions, signposting to support and encouraging completion.

Across the collection period in total, census field staff:

  • visited over 680,000 households
  • made over 1.6 million household visits
  • handed out over 92,000 paper questionnaires to households.

From 7 April to 29 May, over 919,706 unique users arrived at the website with 60% interacting with the site in some way. Approximately 89% of overall completions came via the website.



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