
Census public engagement campaign 2022 – extension activity (April to May 2022): evaluation report

An overview of the Scotland's Census 2022 public engagement campaign extension (April to May 2022), including independent evaluation results.

5. Campaign creative execution

The extension campaign was rolled out over the census extension period, with the urgency within the messaging increased as the final deadline grew closer. At the start of the extension phase (extension 1) the messaging emphasised that completing the census is a legal responsibility. In the second phase (extension 2), when research confirmed that lack of knowledge about the legal responsibility was not an issue, the messaging moved to emphasising the legal responsibility together with the possibility of a fine for non-completion. In the third phase (extension 3), the fine messaging continued, together with a reminder that time is running out as the final deadline approached.

  • Extension 1 (7 – 30 April)

This phase of the extension campaign emphasised the legal responsibility of completing the census, and targeted those areas where completion rates were particularly low.

Listen to the radio ad here: Scotland's Census 2022: Evaluation report evidence part 2 | Scotland's Census (

The following executions were used in out of home channels, on social media and elsewhere online. The images were accompanied with a voiceover and subtitled: 'Census Day has passed, but there's still time and support to fill it in at Thank you.'

Images appearing in out of home channels, on social media and elsewhere online are shown below.

A group of social media posts advising there is still time to fill in Scotland’s census at
  • Extension 2 (22 April – 22 May)

This phase of the campaign ran nationally and emphasised the legal responsibility of completing the census and the press, TV, radio and digital adverts introduced the message that you could be fined if you do not fill it in.

View the TV ad on YouTube.

Listen to the radio ad here: Scotland's Census 2022: Evaluation report evidence part 2 | Scotland's Census (

The following executions were used in out of home channels.

Images appearing in out of home channels are shown below.

A group of images appearing in out of home channel advising it is a legal responsibility to fill in Scotland’s census at and if you do not you may face a fine.

The following executions were used on social media and elsewhere online. The images were accompanied with a voiceover: 'It is a legal responsibility for all adults to complete the census. And if you don't fill it in you could face a fine. Visit today or call 0800 030 8308 if you need help or support.'

Images appearing on social media and elsewhere online are shown below.

An image appearing in out of home channel advising it is a legal responsibility to fill in Scotland’s census at and if you do not you may face a fine.
A group of social media posts advising it is a legal responsibility to fill in Scotland’s census at and if you do not you may face a fine.

The following is an example of the advertising used in press.

An image appearing in press is shown below.

An image appearing in press advising it is a legal responsibility to fill in Scotland’s census at and if you do not you may face a fine.
  • Extension 3 (16 – 31 May)

This phase of the campaign also ran nationally and emphasised the fine, as well as emphasising that time is running out to fill it in.

View the TV ad on YouTube.

Listen to the radio ad here: Scotland's Census 2022: Evaluation report evidence part 2 | Scotland's Census (

The following executions were used in out of home channels, on social media and elsewhere online.

Images appearing in out of home channels, on social media and elsewhere online are shown below.

A group of social media posts advising if you don’t fill in Scotland’s census at you may face a fine.



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