
Time use survey 2014-2015: results for Scotland

Analysis of the Scottish results of the 2014-2015 time use survey by Centre for Time Use, Oxford University.


1 Those reporting a disability or long-term health condition.

2 All activities with significant differences between genders, with the exception of unpaid work and construction and repairs.

3 These are activities are those for which one age group had, on average, significantly higher or lower time use than all other groups.

4 As respondents were asked to self-identify their sex, we have reported this as gender, and have therefore used the terms men and women.

5 PR refers to Daily Participation Rate. The Daily Participation Rate for an activity refers to the percentage of the sample that, on a randomly selected day, would have been participating in the activity in question. It does not refer to the percentage of the sample who participated in the activity at all.

6 TU refers to Average Time Use. It refers to the average number of minutes spent per day by those in the described group. Average time use is calculated with reference to both those taking part in a given activity and those who are not, so may be lower than the average time spent on an activity for someone participating in it.

7 For further information on the 2000-01 Time Use Study, see the following review provided by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), available here.

8 The HETUS Guidelines can be found here.

9 They were also asked about secondary activities (e.g. if they were doing something else at the same time, such as e.g. watching TV whilst ironing), who they were with, where they were, what mode of transport they were using, if travelling. Data on enjoyment of activities were also collected for a sub-sample. The findings here only relate to the main activities recorded by participants.

10 The full technical report from the 2014-15 UK Time Use Study can be viewed here.

11 The 2017 Scottish Health Survey, produced by the Scottish Government, can be found here.

12 See footnote 10.


Email: Claire McHarrie

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