
Cereal and oilseed rape harvest: final estimates - 2023

Final estimates of area, yield and production for winter and spring barley, wheat, oats and oilseed rape, for the 2023 harvest.

Another record year for oilseed rape production

In 2023 oilseed rape yield was 4.1 tonnes per hectare. Oilseed rape production was 166 thousand tonnes.

The 2023 area of oilseed rape is the largest recorded in at least 20 years, at around 41 thousand hectares. Oilseed rape yield decreased by 5% compared to 2022 but remained above average. Following the record year of 2022, oilseed rape production in 2023 reached its highest value in at least the last 20 years.

Oilseed rape estimates are not as reliable as those of other crops. This is because smaller amounts are grown.

Figure 5: Oilseed rape production and average production from 2014 to 2023

A line chart showing oilseed rape production and average production from 2014 to 2023

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