Cereal and oilseed rape harvest: Methodology

Methodology of the Scottish cereal and oilseed rape harvest estimates

Timeliness and punctuality

Timeliness is about releasing statistics in a timely and punctual manner.

First estimates

In order to provide timely estimates of cereal and oilseed rape production the CRM is held as early as is practical following data collection by the industry representatives attending the meeting. The progress of the harvest limits how early this meeting can be held. Yield estimates collected before the completion of the harvest are inevitably less reliable than estimates completed after the harvest. 

Publication of first estimates of the cereal and oilseed rape harvest is scheduled no later than the release date of UK harvest estimates. 

Final estimates

Final estimates are collected in November, with a reference date of 31 October. At this point in the year most farms will have completed their harvest.

The release of results is completed in December of the same year, to allow sufficient time for data collection, processing, quality assurance and compilation, preparation and dissemination of final results.


Email: agric.stats@gov.scot

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