Cereal and oilseed rape harvest: final estimates - 2018

Final estimates for area, yield and production for barley, wheat, oats and oilseed, from the 2018 harvest in Scotland.

Spring barley production and yield dropped, despite increase in area

Spring barley production and yield dropped, despite increase in area

Final spring barley estimates for 2018 showed that yield and production had fallen compared to 2017.

Although the area of spring barley increased by three per cent, yields were down due to the bad weather during the last year.

Southern Scotland was the only region to see an increase in yield and production of spring barley, five per cent and eight per cent respectively.

Spring barley accounts for

53% Total crop production

55% Total crop area

Barley is the main cereal crop grown in Scotland. In 2017, Scottish spring barley made up a third of the UK spring barley total.

Spring barley is sown around March, whereas winter barley is sown in the autumn. Around 84 per cent of Scottish barley production is made up of spring barley.


Email: Kirsty Naylor

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