Cereal and oilseed rape harvest - first estimates: 2024

Initial estimates of area, yield and production for winter and spring barley, wheat, oats and oilseed rape, for the 2024 harvest.

First estimates suggest an average cereal harvest in 2024

Total cereal production is expected to remain at around 3.1 million tonnes, just above the ten-year average.

The total area of cereals in 2024 is predicted to be similar to the area in 2023,  at around 428 thousand hectares. The average yield for cereals is predicted to increase by 1% to 7.2 tonnes per hectare.

Weather conditions at crucial times of the season in 2024 is predicted to drive a wide variety in yields. Wet weather affected winter planting and continued into spring planting. Industry experts report that the harvest was mixed. Many farms are seeing good yields for spring crops but some are reporting disappointing winter barley yields.

The visual summary provides an overview of the first estimates of the 2024 cereal harvest

Figure 1: Total cereals production and average production from 2015 to 2024

A line chart showing total cereals production and average production from 2015 to 2024



Email: agric.stats@gov.scot

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