Cereal and oilseed rape harvest - first estimates: 2024

Initial estimates of area, yield and production for winter and spring barley, wheat, oats and oilseed rape, for the 2024 harvest.

Wheat production decreases

Wheat production is predicted to be around 867 thousand tonnes, a 12% decrease in wheat production compared to 2023. This brings wheat production to just below the ten-year average.

Decreases in production are expected to result from both a 4% decrease in yield and 8% decrease in sown area.

Industry experts report that wide variations in yield are being achieved between different soil types. This will affect harvest results at farm level and across planted areas on farm.

Figure 3: Wheat production and average production from 2015 to 2024

A line chart showing wheat production and average production from 2015 to 2024


Email: agric.stats@gov.scot

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