
Certification of pregnancy and baby loss prior to 24 weeks: leaflet

New Scottish Government and NHS leaflet for health professionals and patients, providing information on the Memorial Book and Certification of Pregnancy and Baby Loss Prior to 24 Weeks which will be administered by National Records of Scotland.

Certification of Pregnancy and Baby Loss Prior To 24 Weeks


The Memorial Book of Pregnancy and Baby Loss Prior to 24 Weeks was developed after listening to people who have experienced a pregnancy or baby loss prior to 24 weeks of pregnancy (hereafter called pre-24 week loss). This will offer the opportunity to provide recognition and may offer comfort to those who wish to have a record of their loss.

There is no legal requirement for you to record your loss. It is entirely your own personal choice and you might want some time to think about it.

The pre-24 week loss does not have to have been recent and can have happened weeks, months or many years ago. You can apply to record more than one loss, including the loss of one or more twins, triplets or more.

This service is provided free of charge.

Information in the Memorial Book remains private until the death of the applicant/ applicants, after which time a request to access information held on an entry can be made by a member of the public.

It is important to know that this record has no legal status and may not be used as evidence of your loss.

Please continue to read if you would like to find out more about how to apply and what you will receive.


An application can only be made by the mother/ woman/person who has had the physical loss, however a father/parent/partner of the person who has had the loss can be included on the entry if both parties sign the application form.

The pre-24 week loss must have occurred in Scotland or the person who has suffered the physical loss must reside in Scotland. As mentioned above, the loss can have occurred at any time, including many years ago.

There is some personal information which you will need to provide on the application form, but it is up to you how much additional detail you provide about the loss. You will not be asked to provide any medical confirmation of the pregnancy or the loss. A link to a privacy notice explaining how the information you provide will be used is available with the application form on the National Records of Scotland (NRS) website. Alternatively, a paper copy of the privacy notice can be posted upon request, along with an application form.

What do you get?

You will receive a free commemorative certificate. This is a copy of the information recorded in the Memorial Book held by the National Records of Scotland. Additional copies of the certificate can be requested at the time of the application, or at a later date.

How to apply

If you wish to apply, are unsure whether you can apply, or you have any questions you can contact the Memorial Book team in the following ways:

Please visit the website –

Please email at –

Please write to us at - NRS Memorial Book Team, Room 36 New Register House, 3 West Register Street, Edinburgh EH1 3YT.

Please return the completed application to NRS by post or email to our team at the address listed on the form. Remember to sign the application either digitally or with a typed signature or by printing and signing in ink. If you wish to have details of more than one person named on the certificate, please remember that both applicants must sign the application.

If you are applying for more than one loss please visit the NRS website for guidance on how to do this.

Next Steps

If NRS accepts an application for inclusion in the Memorial Book, you will receive a commemorative certificate.

There are a few reasons why an application might not be accepted, for example if the application was not signed or the wrong person has applied. Please be assured that if there is anything that means your application cannot be processed, you will be contacted with an explanation for this. If eligible, you can submit a new application.

Please allow time for your application to be processed and for receipt of your commemorative certificate. If you are concerned about the time since your application, please contact our team at MemorialBook@

If you are having any difficulties with the application process, please contact the Memorial Book team for advice, and a member of the team will be happy to help.



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