Change to Pitch Fee Uprating Under the Mobile Homes Act 1983: Island Communities Impact Assessment Screening

Island Communities Impact Assessment (ICIA) Screening for the Change to Pitch Fee Uprating Under the Mobile Homes Act 1983


We have not identified any different impacts on island communities or for island living by comparison with communities on the mainland as a result of the change in the basis of pitch fee uprating under the 1983 Act from RPI to CPI. The proposed changes are intended to ensure that the statistical measure used remains fair and up to date. This will affect residents living on permanent licenced residential sites and Gypsy/Travellers on public Gypsy/Traveller sites. Information available on the location of licenced permanent sites (while dated) suggests that the number of island homes likely to be affected is extremely small. The amendments proposed in the Bill will result in administrative changes to documentation in relation to annual pitch fee setting by site owners and does not have a geographical dimension or relate directly to practical service delivery. The responses gathered from the consultation which informed this policy change did not suggest that the legislation would have a different impact on island communities compared to other communities on the Scottish mainland.

We have concluded that the policy will not have an effect on an island communities which would be significantly different from its effect on other communities.

Is a full Island Communities Impact Assessment required?

For the reasons given above, we have concluded that a full ICIA is not required.

Change to Pitch Fee Uprating Under the Mobile Homes Act 1983 - Island Communities Impact Assessment Screening

Approved by: Alice Hall

Deputy Director Better Homes



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