
Early learning and childcare at age five: comparing two cohorts

A report on early learning and childcare use and provision in Scotland, comparing Growing Up in Scotland data from 2008-09 and 2014.

8.3. Appendix C: Additional Tables

Table 8‑1 Duration of attendance at main ELC provider - by cohort

Avg. weekly ELC attendance (hours)
Average (mean) number of hours per week*** 14.4 16.6
% %
Under 12.5 hours per week*** 30 10
12.5 hours per week*** 40 22
More than 12.5 hours but less than 16 hours per week*** 15 42
Between 16 and 30 hours per week*** 10 20
30 or more hours per week 6 6
Unweighted bases 3731 4306
Weighted bases 3720 4304

Base: All cases where child attended ELC and information about duration was provided.
*** significant difference between cohorts at p<.001 level.

Table 8‑2 Duration of attendance at main ELC provider - by household income and by cohort

Equivalised household income (quintiles)
Lowest quintile 2nd 3rd 4th Highest quintile All
Avg. (mean) hours per week a
BC1*** 14.0 13.9 14.2 14.3 16.6 14.4
BC2*** 15.3 15.6 16.6 17.3 20.0 16.6
Unweighted bases - BC1 689 787 628 830 573 3731
Unweighted bases - BC2 773 742 797 735 823 4306
Weighted bases - BC1 870 820 591 723 488 3720
Weighted bases - BC2 1012 786 741 614 666 4304

Base: All cases where child attended ELC and information about duration was provided.
*** significant difference by household income at p<.001 level.
a significant difference in relationship with household income between the cohorts.

Table 8‑3 Duration of attendance at main ELC provider - by parental education and by cohort

Highest household level of education
No quals, Lower std grades and
vocational and other quals
Upper std grades and
Intermediate voc quals
Higher std grades and
Upper level vocational quals
Degree level quals All
Avg. (mean) hours per week a
BC1* 13.7 13.9 14.4 14.8 14.4
BC2*** 15.5 15.5 16.3 17.7 16.6
Unweighted bases - BC1 284 617 1207 1483 3731
Unweighted bases - BC2 285 559 1231 2126 4306
Weighted bases - BC1 382 703 1186 1288 3720
Weighted bases - BC2 413 698 1277 1789 4304

Base: All cases where child attended ELC and information about duration was provided.
*** significant differences by parental level of education at p<.001 level.
* significant differences by parental level of education at p<.05 level.
a significant difference in relationship with parental education between the cohorts.

Table 8‑4 Duration of attendance at main ELC provider - by area deprivation and by cohort

Area deprivation ( SIMD quintiles)
Most deprived quintile 2nd 3rd 4th Least deprived quintile All
Avg. (mean) hours per week a
BC1** 15.0 13.9 14.1 13.9 14.9 14.4
BC2*** 16.2 16.0 16.2 16.9 18.0 16.6
Unweighted bases - BC1 636 677 747 837 834 3731
Unweighted bases - BC2 726 812 898 923 947 4306
Weighted bases - BC1 829 727 700 756 708 3720
Weighted bases - BC2 962 892 846 811 792 4304

Base: All cases where child attended ELC and information about duration was provided.
*** significant differences by area deprivation at p<.001 level.
** significant differences by area deprivation at p<.01 level.
a significant difference in relationship with area deprivation between the cohorts.

Table 8‑5 Duration of attendance at main ELC provider - by urban/rural location and by cohort

Urban/Rural location
Urban Towns
(accessible and remote)
(accessible and remote)
Avg. (mean) hours per week***
BC1 14.9 13.5 13.1 14.4
BC2 17.2 15.3 15.7 16.6
Unweighted bases - BC1 2478 497 756 3731
Unweighted bases - BC2 2772 622 912 4306
Weighted bases - BC1 2591 467 662 3720
Weighted bases - BC2 2944 580 780 4304

Base: All cases where child attended ELC and information about duration was provided.
*** significant differences by urban/rural location at p<.001 level.
No significant difference in relationship with urban/rural location between the cohorts.

Table 8‑6 % of children attending ELC provider with certain quality grading - by ELC provider type and by cohort

ELC provider type
Local authority nursery class attached to primary school Other local authority Private and voluntary providers All
Care and Support*** % of children % of children % of children % of children
Attended provider with 'very good' or 'excellent' grade 73 73 48 67
Attended provider with less than 'very good' grade 27 27 52 33
Attended provider with 'very good' or 'excellent' grade 70 66 52 65
Attended provider with less than 'very good' grade 30 34 48 35
Unweighted bases - BC1 1899 498 721 3118
Unweighted bases - BC2 2394 556 977 3941
Weighted bases - BC1 1890 529 676 3095
Weighted bases - BC2 2439 607 893 3953
Environment a % of children % of children % of children % of children
Attended provider with 'very good' or 'excellent' grade 64 62 39 58
Attended provider with less than 'very good' grade 36 38 61 42
Attended provider with 'very good' or 'excellent' grade 59 58 45 56
Attended provider with less than 'very good' grade 41 42 55 44
Unweighted bases - BC1 1834 474 705 3013
Unweighted bases - BC2 2394 556 977 3941
Weighted bases - BC1 1817 501 658 2976
Weighted bases - BC2 2439 607 893 3953
Staffing a % of children % of children % of children % of children
Attended provider with 'very good' or 'excellent' grade 49 44 32 45
Attended provider with less than 'very good' grade 51 56 68 55
Attended provider with 'very good' or 'excellent' grade 55 60 49 55
Attended provider with less than 'very good' grade 45 40 51 45
Unweighted bases - BC1 1886 496 721 3103
Unweighted bases - BC2 2394 556 977 3941
Weighted bases - BC1 1879 526 676 3081
Weighted bases - BC2 2439 607 893 3953
Management and Leadership*** % of children % of children % of children % of children
Attended provider with 'very good' or 'excellent' grade 57 55 39 53
Attended provider with less than 'very good' grade 43 45 61 47
Attended provider with 'very good' or 'excellent' grade 52 53 40 49
Attended provider with less than 'very good' grade 48 47 60 51
Unweighted bases - BC1 1824 473 701 2998
Unweighted bases - BC2 2394 556 977 3941
Weighted bases - BC1 1808 500 655 2963
Weighted bases - BC2 2439 607 893 3953
Grading mix*** % of children % of children % of children % of children
Attended provider with at least 'very good' grade on all four quality measures 39 36 28 36
Attended provider with mix of grades across quality measures 61 64 72 64
Attended provider with at least 'very good' grade on all four quality measures 38 38 29 36
Attended provider with mix of grades across quality measures 62 62 71 64
Unweighted bases - BC1 1728 433 657 2818
Unweighted bases - BC2 2394 556 977 3941
Weighted bases - BC1 1709 455 611 2775
Weighted bases - BC2 2439 607 893 3953

Base: All cases where information about ELC quality and type of ELC was available.
*** significant difference by type of ELC provider at p<.001 level.
** significant difference by type of ELC provider at p<.01 level.
a significant difference in relationship with type of ELC provider between the cohorts.

Table 8‑7 Type of ELC provider child attended - by household income and by cohort (% of children)

Equivalised household income (quintiles)
Lowest quintile 2nd 3rd 4th Highest quintile All
ELC provider type child attended a % of children % of children % of children % of children % of children % of children
Local authority nursery class attached to primary school*** 67 64 64 59 50 62
Other local authority 23 18 15 17 11 18
Private and voluntary*** 11 18 22 25 39 21
Local authority nursery class attached to primary school*** 68 72 63 56 43 62
Other local authority 20 14 13 12 11 15
Private and voluntary*** 12 14 23 32 46 23
Unweighted bases - BC1 689 787 628 830 573 3731
Unweighted bases - BC2 772 745 798 737 831 4314
Weighted bases - BC1 870 820 591 723 488 3720
Weighted bases - BC2 1014 791 742 615 672 4311

Base: All cases where information about ELC type was provided.
*** significant difference by household income at p<.001 level.
a significant difference in relationship with household income between the cohorts.
Sig tested on Local authority nursery class attached to primary school and on Primate and voluntary.

Table 8‑8 Type of ELC provider child attended - by parental education and by cohort (% of children)

Highest household level of education
No quals, Lower std grades and
vocational and other quals
Upper std grades and
Intermediate voc quals
Higher std grades and
Upper level vocational quals
Degree level quals All
ELC provider type child attended*** % of children % of children % of children % of children % of children
Local authority nursery class attached to primary school 70 69 60 56 62
Other local authority 23 19 20 13 18
Private and voluntary 7 12 21 31 21
Local authority nursery class attached to primary school 70 69 65 54 62
Other local authority 21 16 17 12 15
Private and voluntary 9 15 18 34 23
Unweighted bases - BC1 284 617 1207 1483 3731
Unweighted bases - BC2 284 559 1230 2136 4314
Weighted bases - BC1 382 703 1186 1288 3720
Weighted bases - BC2 412 699 1276 1798 4311

Base: All cases where information about ELC type was provided.
*** significant differences by parental level of education at p<.001 level.
No significant difference in relationship with parental education between the cohorts.
Sig tested on Local authority nursery class attached to primary school and on Primate and voluntary - differences significant on both.

Table 8‑9 Type of ELC provider child attended - by area deprivation and by cohort (% of children)

Area deprivation ( SIMD quintiles)
Most deprived quintile 2nd 3rd 4th Least deprived quintile All
ELC provider type child attended*** % of children % of children % of children % of children % of children % of children
Local authority nursery class attached to primary school 60 65 62 64 56 62
Other local authority 26 19 16 13 13 18
Private and voluntary 14 16 22 23 31 21
Local authority nursery class attached to primary school 65 66 63 60 53 62
Other local authority 21 17 13 13 11 15
Private and voluntary 14 17 24 27 36 23
Unweighted bases - BC1 636 677 747 837 834 3731
Unweighted bases - BC2 721 813 901 927 952 4314
Weighted bases - BC1 829 727 700 756 708 3720
Weighted bases - BC2 956 894 850 816 795 4311

Base: All cases where information about ELC type was provided.
*** significant differences by area deprivation at p<.001 level.
No significant difference in relationship with area deprivation between the cohorts.
Sig tested on Local authority nursery class attached to primary school and on Primate and voluntary - differences significant on both.

Table 8‑10 Type of ELC provider child attended - by urban/rural location and by cohort (% of children)

Urban/Rural location
Urban Towns
(accessible and remote)
(accessible and remote)
ELC provider type child attended*** % of children % of children % of children % of children
Local authority nursery class attached to primary school 59 65 69 62
Other local authority 20 15 11 18
Private and voluntary 21 21 20 21
Local authority nursery class attached to primary school 59 67 69 62
Other local authority 18 11 9 15
Private and voluntary 24 21 22 23
Unweighted bases - BC1 2478 497 756 3731
Unweighted bases - BC2 2774 625 915 4314
Weighted bases - BC1 2591 467 662 3720
Weighted bases - BC2 2947 582 782 4311

Base: All cases where information about ELC type was provided.
*** significant differences by urban/rural location at p<.001 level.
** significant differences by urban/rural location at p<.01 level.
No significant difference in relationship with urban/rural location between the cohorts.
Sig tested on Local authority nursery class attached to primary school and on Primate and voluntary. When testing on combined BC1 and BC2 figures (cf. Appendix B), differences were sig for Local authority nursery class attached to primary school only.

Table 8‑11 % of children attending ELC provider with certain quality grading - by household income and by cohort

Equivalised household income (quintiles)
Lowest quintile 2nd 3rd 4th Highest quintile All
Care and Support % of children % of children % of children % of children % of children % of children
Attended provider with 'very good' or 'excellent' grade 67 65 69 69 69 67
Attended provider with less than 'very good' grade 33 35 31 31 31 33
Attended provider with at least 'very good' grade 64 65 67 65 62 65
Attended provider with less than 'very good' grade 36 35 33 35 38 35
Unweighted bases - BC1 565 663 528 706 476 3118
Unweighted bases - BC2 716 682 717 683 748 3941
Weighted bases - BC1 709 689 498 615 401 3095
Weighted bases - BC2 944 730 664 568 605 3953
Environment % of children % of children % of children % of children % of children % of children
Attended provider with 'very good' or 'excellent' grade 59 56 60 57 59 58
Attended provider with less than 'very good' grade 41 44 40 43 41 42
Attended provider with at least 'very good' grade 56 55 57 54 56 56
Attended provider with less than 'very good' grade 44 45 43 46 44 44
Unweighted bases - BC1 538 639 519 683 457 3013
Unweighted bases - BC2 716 682 717 683 748 3941
Weighted bases - BC1 668 662 487 594 386 2976
Weighted bases - BC2 944 730 664 568 605 3953
Staffing % of children % of children % of children % of children % of children % of children
Attended provider with 'very good' or 'excellent' grade 46 44 45 44 48 45
Attended provider with less than 'very good' grade 54 56 55 56 52 55
Attended provider with at least 'very good' grade 51 54 58 55 60 55
Attended provider with less than 'very good' grade 49 46 42 45 40 45
Unweighted bases - BC1 564 659 522 702 476 3103
Unweighted bases - BC2 716 682 717 683 748 3941
Weighted bases - BC1 708 685 492 611 401 3081
Weighted bases - BC2 944 730 664 568 605 3953
Management and Leadership % of children % of children % of children % of children % of children % of children
Attended provider with 'very good' or 'excellent' grade 52 52 54 53 56 53
Attended provider with less than 'very good' grade 48 48 46 47 44 47
Attended provider with at least 'very good' grade 48 50 51 50 50 49
Attended provider with less than 'very good' grade 52 50 49 50 50 51
Unweighted bases - BC1 537 638 515 677 454 2998
Unweighted bases - BC2 716 682 717 683 748 3941
Weighted bases - BC1 667 661 483 589 383 2963
Weighted bases - BC2 944 730 664 568 605 3953
Grading mix % of children % of children % of children % of children % of children % of children
Attended provider with at least 'very good' grade on all four quality measures 37 34 36 36 40 36
Attended provider with mix of grades across quality measures 63 66 64 64 60 64
Attended provider with at least 'very good' grade on all four quality measures 36 35 38 36 36 36
Attended provider with mix of grades across quality measures 64 65 62 64 64 64
Unweighted bases - BC1 496 603 482 644 430 2818
Unweighted bases - BC2 716 682 717 683 748 3941
Weighted bases - BC1 619 623 449 559 363 2775
Weighted bases - BC2 944 730 664 568 605 3953

Base: All cases where ELC quality information was available.
* significant difference by level of household income at p<.05 level.
No significant difference in relationship with household income between the cohorts.

Table 8‑12 % of children attending ELC provider with certain quality grading - by parental education and by cohort

Highest household level of education
No quals, Lower std grades and
vocational and other quals
Upper std grades and
Intermediate voc quals
Higher std grades and
Upper level vocational quals
Degree level quals All
Care and Support % of children % of children % of children % of children % of children
Attended provider with 'very good' or 'excellent' grade 69 68 69 66 67
Attended provider with less than 'very good' grade 31 32 31 34 33
Attended provider with at least 'very good' grade 62 66 67 64 65
Attended provider with less than 'very good' grade 38 34 33 36 35
Unweighted bases - BC1 237 500 1015 1251 3118
Unweighted bases - BC2 256 526 1131 1931 3941
Weighted bases - BC1 321 570 992 1082 3095
Weighted bases - BC2 371 661 1177 1627 3953
Environment % of children % of children % of children % of children % of children
Attended provider with 'very good' or 'excellent' grade 66 55 59 56 58
Attended provider with less than 'very good' grade 34 45 41 44 42
Attended provider with at least 'very good' grade 55 57 57 55 56
Attended provider with less than 'very good' grade 45 43 43 45 44
Unweighted bases - BC1 227 482 984 1211 3013
Unweighted bases - BC2 256 526 1131 1931 3941
Weighted bases - BC1 306 543 960 1045 2976
Weighted bases - BC2 371 661 1177 1627 3953
Staffing % of children % of children % of children % of children % of children
Attended provider with 'very good' or 'excellent' grade 47 44 45 44 45
Attended provider with less than 'very good' grade 53 56 55 56 55
Attended provider with at least 'very good' grade 47 54 54 58 55
Attended provider with less than 'very good' grade 53 46 46 42 45
Unweighted bases - BC1 236 495 1013 1245 3103
Unweighted bases - BC2 256 526 1131 1931 3941
Weighted bases - BC1 320 565 990 1077 3081
Weighted bases - BC2 371 661 1177 1627 3953
Management and Leadership % of children % of children % of children % of children % of children
Attended provider with 'very good' or 'excellent' grade 56 52 53 53 53
Attended provider with less than 'very good' grade 44 48 47 47 47
Attended provider with at least 'very good' grade 44 51 50 50 49
Attended provider with less than 'very good' grade 56 49 50 50 51
Unweighted bases - BC1 226 478 982 1204 2998
Unweighted bases - BC2 256 526 1131 1931 3941
Weighted bases - BC1 305 539 959 1040 2963
Weighted bases - BC2 371 661 1177 1627 3953
Grading mix % of children % of children % of children % of children % of children
Attended provider with at least 'very good' grade on all four quality measures 40 36 36 35 36
Attended provider with mix of grades across quality measures 60 64 64 65 64
Attended provider with at least 'very good' grade on all four quality measures 30 37 37 36 36
Attended provider with mix of grades across quality measures 70 63 63 64 64
Unweighted bases - BC1 207 446 926 1143 2818
Unweighted bases - BC2 256 526 1131 1931 3941
Weighted bases - BC1 279 502 904 985 2775
Weighted bases - BC2 371 661 1177 1627 3953

Base: All cases where ELC quality information was available.
No significant differences by parental education in either cohort.

Table 8‑13 % of children attending ELC provider with certain quality grading - by area deprivation and by cohort

Area deprivation ( SIMD quintiles)
Most deprived quintile 2nd 3rd 4th Least deprived quintile All
Care and Support % % % % % %
Attended provider with 'Very good' or 'Excellent' grade 66 65 69 67 70 67
Attended provider with less than 'Very good' grade 34 35 31 33 30 33
Attended provider with 'Very good' or 'Excellent' grade 62 66 69 64 64 65
Attended provider with less than 'Very good' grade 38 34 31 36 36 35
Unweighted bases - BC1 513 556 634 711 704 3118
Unweighted bases - BC2 663 739 836 840 863 3941
Weighted bases - BC1 669 595 592 643 595 3095
Weighted bases - BC2 883 821 786 744 720 3953
Environment % of children % of children % of children % of children % of children % of children
Attended provider with 'Very good' or 'Excellent' grade 56 57 59 59 59 58
Attended provider with less than 'Very good' grade 44 43 41 41 41 42
Attended provider with 'Very good' or 'Excellent' grade 56 55 56 58 55 56
Attended provider with less than 'Very good' grade 44 45 44 42 45 44
Unweighted bases - BC1 479 540 617 697 680 3013
Unweighted bases - BC2 663 739 836 840 863 3941
Weighted bases - BC1 623 573 575 629 576 2976
Weighted bases - BC2 883 821 786 744 720 3953
Staffing** % of children % of children % of children % of children % of children % of children
Attended provider with 'Very good' or 'Excellent' grade 40 47 44 46 48 45
Attended provider with less than 'Very good' grade 60 53 56 54 52 55
Attended provider with 'Very good' or 'Excellent' grade 49 50 54 61 62 55
Attended provider with less than 'Very good' grade 51 50 46 39 38 45
Unweighted bases - BC1 512 550 632 707 702 3103
Unweighted bases - BC2 663 739 836 840 863 3941
Weighted bases - BC1 668 590 591 639 594 3081
Weighted bases - BC2 883 821 786 744 720 3953
Management and Leadership % of children % of children % of children % of children % of children % of children
Attended provider with 'Very good' or 'Excellent' grade 49 53 53 54 57 53
Attended provider with less than 'Very good' grade 51 47 47 46 43 47
Attended provider with 'Very good' or 'Excellent' grade 45 48 52 52 51 49
Attended provider with less than 'Very good' grade 55 52 48 48 49 51
Unweighted bases - BC1 479 538 614 693 674 2998
Unweighted bases - BC2 663 739 836 840 863 3941
Weighted bases - BC1 623 570 572 625 571 2963
Weighted bases - BC2 883 821 786 744 720 3953
Grading mix % of children % of children % of children % of children % of children % of children
Attended provider with at least 'very good' grade on all four quality measures 31 35 37 37 42 36
Attended provider with mix of grades across quality measures 69 65 63 63 58 64
Attended provider with at least 'very good' grade on all four quality measures 32 36 36 39 37 36
Attended provider with mix of grades across quality measures 68 64 64 61 63 64
Unweighted bases - BC1 436 499 587 660 636 2818
Unweighted bases - BC2 663 739 836 840 863 3941
Weighted bases - BC1 566 527 545 596 540 2775
Weighted bases - BC2 883 821 786 744 720 3953

Base: All cases where ELC quality information was available.
** significant difference by area deprivation at p<.01 level.
No significant difference in relationship with area deprivation between the cohorts.

Table 8‑14 % of children attending ELC provider with certain quality grading - by urban/rural location and by cohort

Urban/Rural location
Urban Towns
(accessible and remote)
(accessible and remote)
Care and Support % of children % of children % of children % of children
Attended provider with 'Very good' or 'Excellent' grade 66 68 71 67
Attended provider with less than 'Very good' grade 34 32 29 33
Attended provider with 'Very good' or 'Excellent' grade 66 66 62 65
Attended provider with less than 'Very good' grade 34 34 38 35
Unweighted bases - BC1 2065 389 664 3118
Unweighted bases - BC2 2525 566 850 3941
Weighted bases - BC1 2158 357 580 3095
Weighted bases - BC2 2696 528 729 3953
Environment % of children % of children % of children % of children
Attended provider with 'Very good' or 'Excellent' grade 58 53 62 58
Attended provider with less than 'Very good' grade 42 47 38 42
Attended provider with 'Very good' or 'Excellent' grade 56 58 56 56
Attended provider with less than 'Very good' grade 44 42 44 44
Unweighted bases - BC1 1975 380 658 3013
Unweighted bases - BC2 2525 566 850 3941
Weighted bases - BC1 2055 347 574 2976
Weighted bases - BC2 2696 528 729 3953
Staffing % of children % of children % of children % of children
Attended provider with 'Very good' or 'Excellent' grade 46 43 42 45
Attended provider with less than 'Very good' grade 54 57 58 55
Attended provider with 'Very good' or 'Excellent' grade 55 54 54 55
Attended provider with less than 'Very good' grade 45 46 46 45
Unweighted bases - BC1 2054 389 660 3103
Unweighted bases - BC2 2525 566 850 3941
Weighted bases - BC1 2148 357 577 3081
Weighted bases - BC2 2696 528 729 3953
Management and Leadership % of children % of children % of children % of children
Attended provider with 'Very good' or 'Excellent' grade 54 52 52 53
Attended provider with less than 'Very good' grade 46 48 48 47
Attended provider with 'Very good' or 'Excellent' grade 49 54 46 49
Attended provider with less than 'Very good' grade 51 46 54 51
Unweighted bases - BC1 1962 380 656 2998
Unweighted bases - BC2 2525 566 850 3941
Weighted bases - BC1 2043 347 572 2963
Weighted bases - BC2 2696 528 729 3953
Grading mix a % of children % of children % of children % of children
Attended provider with at least 'very good' grade on all four quality measures 38 28 35 36
Attended provider with mix of grades across quality measures 62 72 65 64
Attended provider with at least 'very good' grade on all four quality measures 35 44 33 36
Attended provider with mix of grades across quality measures 65 56 67 64
Unweighted bases - BC1 1839 353 626 2818
Unweighted bases - BC2 2525 566 850 3941
Weighted bases - BC1 1906 323 546 2775
Weighted bases - BC2 2696 528 729 3953

Base: All cases where ELC quality information was available.

Table 8‑15 Adjustment to primary school - individual measures (1) - by cohort

% %
Child complained about school
More than once a week 7 9
Once a week or less 14 22
Not at all*** 79 69
Unweighted bases 1227 1680
Weighted bases 1240 1549
Child reluctant to go to school
More than once a week 4 5
Once a week or less 19 23
Not at all*** 77 71
Unweighted bases 1227 1682
Weighted bases 1240 1551
Child said good things about school
More than once a week 89 87
Once a week or less 8 10
Not at all 3 3
Unweighted bases 1225 1679
Weighted bases 1237 1547
Child looks forward to going to school
More than once a week*** 91 87
Once a week or less 5 10
Not at all 3 3
Unweighted bases 1220 1678
Weighted bases 1232 1547

Bases: Cases where child had started primary school at time of age 5 interview.
*** significant difference between the cohorts at p<.001 level.

Table 8‑16 Adjustment to primary school - individual measures (2) - by cohort

% %
Child finding it hard to sit still/listen in class
Agree/agree strongly 15 18
Neither agree nor disagree 19 15
Disagree/disagree strongly 66 67
Unweighted bases 1121 1647
Weighted bases 1129 1517
Child has adjusted well to school
Agree/agree strongly 91 91
Neither agree nor disagree 6 5
Disagree/disagree strongly 3 4
Unweighted bases 1202 1681
Weighted bases 1214 1548

Bases: Cases where child had started primary school at time of age 5 interview and where information was provided.
No significant difference between the cohorts.

Table 8‑17 Adjustment to primary school - composite measures - by cohort

% %
Adjustment - composite measure 1
Poor 1 2
Good/average 60 62
Excellent 39 36
Unweighted bases 1227 1681
Weighted bases 1239 1550
Adjustment - composite measure 2
Below average 38 37
Average or above 62 63
Unweighted bases 1230 1684
Weighted bases 1242 1552

Bases: Cases where child had started primary school at time of age 5 interview and where information was provided.
No significant differences between the cohorts.

Table 8‑18 Adjustment to primary school - by household income and by cohort

Equivalised household income (quintiles)
Lowest quintile 2nd 3rd 4th Highest quintile All
Child's adjustment to primary school*** % % % % % %
Below average 45 37 33 31 35 38
Average or above 55 63 67 69 65 62
Below average 43 38 35 30 31 37
Average or above 57 62 65 70 69 63
Unweighted bases - BC1 238 271 191 271 186 1230
Unweighted bases - BC2 315 265 308 294 313 1684
Weighted bases - BC1 304 282 181 237 159 1242
Weighted bases - BC2 377 259 259 229 234 1552

Bases: Cases where child had started primary school at time of age 5 interview and where information was provided.
*** significant difference by household income at p<.001 level.
No significant differences in relationship with household income between the cohorts.

Table 8‑19 Adjustment to primary school - by parental education and by cohort

Highest household level of education
No quals, Lower std grades and
vocational and other quals
Upper std grades and
Intermediate voc quals
Higher std grades and
Upper level vocational quals
Degree level quals All
Child's adjustment to primary school*** % % % % %
Below average 53 37 38 34 38
Average or above 47 63 62 66 62
Below average 46 41 37 33 37
Average or above 54 59 63 67 63
Unweighted bases - BC1 81 204 407 488 1230
Unweighted bases - BC2 103 238 491 810 1684
Weighted bases - BC1 105 236 412 430 1242
Weighted bases - BC2 128 277 473 629 1552

Bases: Cases where child had started primary school at time of age 5 interview and where information was provided.
*** significant differences by parental level of education p<.001 level.
No significant differences in relationship with parental education between the cohorts.

Table 8‑20 Adjustment to primary school - by area deprivation and by cohort

Area deprivation ( SIMD quintiles)
Most deprived quintile 2nd 3rd 4th Least deprived quintile All
Child's adjustment to primary school % % % % % %
Below average 41 38 33 40 36 38
Average or above 59 62 67 60 64 62
Below average 41 38 35 36 34 37
Average or above 59 62 65 64 66 63
Unweighted bases - BC1 235 238 244 273 240 1230
Unweighted bases - BC2 305 322 349 347 361 1684
Weighted bases - BC2 307 254 227 249 205 1242
Weighted bases - BC2 366 322 303 284 278 1552

Bases: Cases where child had started primary school at time of age 5 interview and where information was provided.
No significant differences by area deprivation in either of the cohorts.

Table 8‑21 Adjustment to primary school - by urban/rural location and by cohort

Urban/Rural location
Urban Towns
(accessible and remote)
(accessible and remote)
Child's adjustment to primary school % % % %
Below average 37 38 39 38
Average or above 63 62 61 62
Below average 37 38 39 37
Average or above 63 62 61 63
Unweighted bases - BC1 832 151 247 1230
Unweighted bases - BC2 1148 206 330 1684
Weighted bases - BC1 878 150 214 1242
Weighted bases - BC2 1123 172 257 1552

Bases: Cases where child had started primary school at time of age 5 interview and where information was provided.
No significant differences by urban/rural location in either of the cohorts.

Table 8‑22 SDQ summary mean scores - by household income and by cohort

Equivalised household income (quintiles)
Lowest quintile 2nd 3rd 4th Highest quintile All
Total difficulties***
BC1 9.7 8.0 7.4 6.8 6.2 7.9
BC2 9.7 7.9 6.9 6.1 5.9 7.6
Unweighted bases - BC1 705 794 638 849 587 3786
Unweighted bases - BC2 772 752 801 756 843 4317
Weighted bases - BC1 892 830 604 738 501 3779
Weighted bases - BC2 1015 796 745 633 681 4300
Emotional symptoms***
BC1 1.5 1.3 1.2 1.0 1.0 1.3
BC2 1.5 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.3
Unweighted bases - BC1 712 795 642 849 588 3802
Unweighted bases - BC2 779 755 801 759 844 4335
Weighted bases - BC1 899 830 607 738 501 3795
Weighted bases - BC2 1022 799 745 635 682 4321
Conduct problems***
BC1 2.2 1.8 1.6 1.6 1.3 1.8
BC2 2.2 1.7 1.5 1.3 1.3 1.7
Unweighted bases - BC1 712 795 642 850 588 3803
Unweighted bases - BC2 778 754 802 759 845 4335
Weighted bases - BC1 899 830 607 740 501 3797
Weighted bases - BC2 1021 798 746 635 683 4320
BC1 4.4 3.8 3.7 3.3 3.1 3.8
BC2 4.4 3.7 3.3 2.9 2.8 3.5
Unweighted bases - BC1 707 795 639 850 588 3793
Unweighted bases - BC2 778 754 802 758 845 4334
Weighted bases - BC1 894 830 605 740 501 3785
Weighted bases - BC2 1022 798 746 635 683 4320
Peer problems***
BC1 1.5 1.1 1.0 0.8 0.7 1.1
BC2 1.6 1.1 0.9 0.7 0.7 1.1
Unweighted bases - BC1 713 795 641 850 587 3801
Unweighted bases - BC2 778 754 802 756 844 4328
Weighted bases - BC1 900 831 607 740 501 3795
Weighted bases - BC2 1022 798 746 633 682 4312
BC1 8.0 8.2 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.2
BC2 8.1 8.5 8.6 8.6 8.7 8.4
Unweighted bases- BC1 712 794 643 849 588 3802
Weighted bases - BC1 899 829 609 738 501 3796
Unweighted bases - BC2 778 753 801 758 844 4331
Weighted bases - BC2 1022 796 744 635 682 4316

Base: All cases where information was provided for relevant questions.
*** significant difference by level of household income at p<.001 level.
No significant difference in relationship with household income between the cohorts.

Table 8‑23 SDQ summary mean scores - by parental education and by cohort

Highest household level of education
No quals, Lower std grades and
vocational and other quals
Upper std grades and
Intermediate voc quals
Higher std grades and
Upper level vocational quals
Degree level quals All
Total difficulties***
BC1 9.9 9.2 7.5 6.7 7.9
BC2 9.7 9.2 7.7 6.3 7.6
Unweighted bases - BC1 288 620 1225 1510 3786
Unweighted bases - BC2 270 551 1233 2159 4317
Weighted bases - BC1 390 709 1206 1311 3779
Weighted bases - BC2 392 686 1277 1821 4300
Emotional symptoms***
BC1 1.6 1.5 1.2 1.1 1.3
BC2 1.7 1.5 1.2 1.2 1.3
Unweighted bases - BC1 290 627 1228 1511 3802
Unweighted bases - BC2 271 557 1237 2165 4335
Weighted bases - BC1 391 716 1208 1312 3795
Weighted bases - BC2 393 693 1284 1826 4321
Conduct problems a
BC1 *** 2.2 2.1 1.6 1.5 1.8
BC2 *** 2.1 2.2 1.7 1.4 1.7
Unweighted bases - BC1 289 629 1228 1511 3803
Unweighted bases - BC2 271 554 1238 2167 4335
Weighted bases - BC1 391 719 1208 1312 3797
Weighted bases - BC2 393 689 1285 1828 4320
BC1 4.4 4.3 3.7 3.2 3.8
BC2 4.2 4.2 3.7 3.0 3.5
Unweighted bases - BC1 290 622 1227 1511 3793
Unweighted bases - BC2 271 555 1238 2165 4334
Weighted bases - BC1 391 711 1207 1312 3785
Weighted bases - BC2 393 691 1285 1827 4320
Peer problems a
BC1 *** 1.6 1.3 1.0 0.9 1.1
BC2 *** 1.7 1.4 1.1 0.8 1.1
Unweighted bases - BC1 289 630 1226 1510 3801
Unweighted bases - BC2 272 556 1234 2162 4328
Weighted bases - BC1 391 720 1206 1311 3795
Weighted bases - BC2 394 692 1278 1824 4312
Pro-social a
BC1 ** 8.1 8.0 8.3 8.2 8.2
BC2 *** 8.1 8.2 8.5 8.6 8.4
Unweighted bases - BC1 289 627 1229 1511 3802
Unweighted bases - BC2 272 555 1237 2164 4331
Weighted bases - BC1 390 717 1210 1312 3796
Weighted bases - BC2 394 691 1284 1825 4316

Base: All cases where information was provided for relevant questions.
*** significant difference by parental education at p<.001 level.
** significant difference by parental education at p<.01 level.
a significant difference in relationship with parental education between the cohorts.

Table 8‑24 SDQ summary mean scores - by area deprivation and by cohort

Area deprivation ( SIMD quintiles)
Most deprived quintile 2nd 3rd 4th Least deprived quintile All
Total difficulties***
BC1 9.4 8.4 7.7 7.1 6.4 7.9
BC2 9.0 8.4 7.1 6.8 6.2 7.6
Unweighted bases - BC1 659 681 757 844 845 3786
Unweighted bases - BC2 727 801 900 932 957 4317
Weighted bases - BC1 860 731 710 762 717 3779
Weighted bases - BC2 958 878 847 818 800 4300
Emotional symptoms***
BC1 1.5 1.4 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.3
BC2 1.5 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.3
Unweighted bases - BC1 664 684 762 845 847 3802
Unweighted bases - BC2 729 809 904 935 958 4335
Weighted bases - BC1 865 734 715 762 719 3795
Weighted bases - BC2 960 888 852 821 800 4321
Conduct problems a
BC1 *** 2.1 1.8 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.8
BC2 *** 2.0 1.9 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.7
Unweighted bases - BC1 665 684 761 846 847 3803
Unweighted bases - BC2 730 808 903 936 958 4335
Weighted bases - BC1 866 734 714 764 719 3797
Weighted bases - BC2 961 887 850 822 800 4320
BC1 4.4 4.0 3.7 3.5 3.2 3.8
BC2 4.1 4.0 3.3 3.2 2.9 3.5
Unweighted bases - BC1 661 682 758 846 846 3793
Unweighted bases - BC2 731 808 904 934 957 4334
Weighted bases - BC1 862 732 711 764 718 3785
Weighted bases - BC2 962 888 851 820 800 4320
Peer problems***
BC1 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.9 0.8 1.1
BC2 1.4 1.3 1.0 0.9 0.8 1.1
Unweighted bases - BC1 664 684 762 845 846 3801
Unweighted bases - BC2 729 806 902 933 958 4328
Weighted bases - BC1 866 734 715 763 718 3795
Weighted bases - BC2 960 883 850 819 800 4312
Pro-social a
BC1 8.1 8.3 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.2
BC2*** 8.2 8.3 8.5 8.6 8.6 8.4
Unweighted bases - BC1 665 684 761 845 847 3802
Unweighted bases - BC2 729 806 904 934 958 4331
Weighted bases - BC1 867 734 714 762 719 3796
Weighted bases - BC2 959 885 851 820 800 4316

Base: All cases where information was provided for relevant questions.
*** significant difference by area deprivation at p<.001 level.
a significant difference in relationship with area deprivation between the cohorts.

Table 8‑25 SDQ summary mean scores - by urban/rural location and by cohort

Urban/Rural location
Urban Towns (accessible and remote) Rural (accessible and remote) All
Total difficulties***
BC1 8.1 7.6 7.1 7.9
BC2 7.8 7.3 7.1 7.6
Unweighted bases - BC1 2525 504 757 3786
Unweighted bases - BC2 2784 620 913 4317
Weighted bases - BC1 2639 476 664 3779
Weighted bases - BC2 2946 575 779 4300
Emotional symptoms**
BC1 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.3
BC2 1.3 1.2 1.3 1.3
Unweighted bases - BC1 2535 507 760 3802
Unweighted bases - BC2 2794 624 917 4335
Weighted bases - BC1 2650 479 666 3795
Weighted bases - BC2 2958 580 783 4321
Conduct problems***
BC1 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.8
BC2 1.7 1.7 1.5 1.7
Unweighted bases - BC1 2537 506 760 3803
Unweighted bases - BC2 2795 624 916 4335
Weighted bases - BC1 2653 478 666 3797
Weighted bases - BC2 2958 579 782 4320
BC1 3.9 3.7 3.4 3.8
BC2 3.6 3.4 3.4 3.5
Unweighted bases - BC1 2528 506 759 3793
Unweighted bases - BC2 2794 623 917 4334
Weighted bases - BC1 2643 477 665 3785
Weighted bases - BC2 2958 578 783 4320
Peer problems***
BC1 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.1
BC2 1.2 1.0 1.0 1.1
Unweighted bases - BC1 2537 506 758 3801
Unweighted bases - BC2 2790 624 914 4328
Weighted bases - BC1 2653 478 665 3795
Weighted bases - BC2 2952 580 781 4312
BC1 8.2 8.3 8.2 8.2
BC2 8.4 8.4 8.5 8.4
Unweighted bases - BC1 2535 507 760 3802
Unweighted bases - BC2 2791 624 916 4331
Weighted bases - BC1 2651 479 666 3796
Weighted bases - BC2 2954 580 782 4316

Base: All cases where information was provided for relevant questions.
*** significant difference by urban/rural location at p<.001 level.
** significant difference by urban/rural location at p<.01 level.
No significant difference in relationship with urban/rural location between the cohorts.

Table 8‑26 Cognitive ability mean t-score - by household income and by cohort

Equivalised household income (quintiles)
Lowest quintile 2nd 3rd 4th Highest quintile All
Vocabulary a
BC1 *** 53.8 58.0 59.7 60.6 62.2 58.3
BC2 *** 54.2 56.5 58.0 60.4 61.9 57.5
Unweighted bases - BC1 689 778 628 837 578 3723
Unweighted bases - BC2 761 748 796 755 845 4326
Weighted bases - BC1 870 812 591 729 492 3706
Weighted bases - BC2 1004 793 737 632 683 4310
Problem solving***
BC1 53.3 55.6 56.9 58.0 59.9 56.4
BC2 54.0 55.1 56.9 57.9 58.8 56.1
Unweighted bases - BC1 686 779 628 838 578 3721
Unweighted bases - BC2 756 750 794 753 844 4314
Weighted bases - BC1 867 813 591 729 492 3703
Weighted bases - BC2 998 796 735 630 682 4300

Base: All children who completed assessments.
*** significant difference by household income at p<.001 level.
a significant difference in relationship with household income between the cohorts.

Table 8‑27 Cognitive ability mean t-score - by parental education and by cohort

Highest household level of education
No quals, Lower std grades and
vocational and other quals
Upper std grades and
Intermediate voc quals
Higher std grades and
Upper level vocational quals
Degree level quals All
BC1 52.1 56.0 58.5 61.4 58.3
BC2 50.2 54.8 57.5 60.3 57.5
Unweighted bases - BC1 271 612 1212 1493 3723
Unweighted bases - BC2 281 558 1227 2157 4326
Weighted bases - BC1 365 700 1191 1296 3706
Weighted bases - BC2 407 698 1268 1814 4310
Problem solving***
BC1 51.6 54.6 56.5 58.6 56.4
BC2 53.2 53.9 56.3 57.8 56.1
Unweighted bases - BC1 270 612 1211 1493 3721
Unweighted bases - BC2 278 556 1221 2155 4314
Weighted bases - BC1 364 701 1189 1296 3703
Weighted bases - BC2 406 695 1260 1814 4300

Base: All children who completed assessments.
*** significant differences by parental level of education at p<.001 level.
No significant difference in relationship with parental education between the cohorts.

Table 8‑28 Cognitive ability mean t-score - by area deprivation and by cohort

Area deprivation ( SIMD quintiles)
Most deprived quintile 2nd 3rd 4th Least deprived quintile All
BC1 55.3 56.8 58.7 60.3 60.7 58.3
BC2 54.8 55.7 58.1 59.6 60 57.5
Unweighted bases - BC1 638 668 744 836 837 3723
Unweighted bases - BC2 720 800 907 937 962 4326
Weighted bases - BC1 827 718 698 754 710 3706
Weighted bases - BC2 953 880 852 822 803 4310
Problem solving***
BC1 53.8 55.4 56.9 57.4 58.7 56.4
BC2 54.3 54.5 57.4 56.9 57.7 56.1
Unweighted bases - BC1 634 670 743 836 838 3721
Unweighted bases - BC2 717 797 904 935 961 4314
Weighted bases - BC1 822 720 696 754 711 3703
Weighted bases - BC2 949 876 849 823 802 4300

Base: All children who completed assessments.
*** significant differences by area deprivation at p<.001 level.
No significant difference in relationship with area deprivation between the cohorts.

Table 8‑29 Cognitive ability mean t-score - by urban/rural location and by cohort

Urban/Rural location
Urban Towns Rural All
BC1 57.6 59.2 60.3 58.3
BC2 56.8 58.1 59.9 57.5
Unweighted bases - BC1 2473 500 750 3723
Unweighted bases - BC2 2781 629 916 4326
Weighted bases - BC1 2576 472 658 3706
Weighted bases - BC2 2945 585 781 4310
Problem solving***
BC1 55.9 57.3 57.4 56.4
BC2 55.4 57.6 57.4 56.1
Unweighted bases - BC1 2471 500 750 3721
Unweighted bases - BC2 2771 628 915 4314
Weighted bases - BC1 2574 472 658 3703
Weighted bases - BC2 2935 584 781 4300

Base: All children who completed assessments
*** significant differences by urban/rural location at p<.001 level.
No significant difference in relationship with urban/rural location between the cohorts.

Table 8‑30 Vocabulary and problem solving mean scores at age 5, by weekly number of hours child attended ELC ( BC2 only)

Weekly ELC duration
Mean score Up to 12.5 hours Over 12.5 up to 16 hours Over 16, less than 30 hours 30 hours or more All
Vocabulary** 58.3 56.6 57.6 58.5 57.5
Problem solving* 56.7 55.4 56.2 57.0 56.1
Unweighted bases -vocabulary 1305 1722 884 293 4326
Weighted bases - vocabulary 1324 1751 839 274 4310
Unweighted bases - problem solving 1301 1718 882 292 4314
Weighted bases - problem solving 1319 1749 837 272 4300

Base: All children in BC2 who attended ELC and where information about number of hours was provided.
** significant differences by average weekly number of hours child attended ELC at p<.01 level;
* significant differences by average weekly number of hours child attended ELC at p<.05 level


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