
Heat in Buildings Bill consultation - tell us what you think: easy read

An easy read version of our consultation on proposals for a Heat in Buildings Bill - Changing how we heat our homes and buildings. We are seeking to set standards for energy efficiency and clean heat in homes and buildings.

The challenge for Scotland's buildings

Net zero means finding ways to put less carbon dioxide or greenhouse gas into the air – these are called emissions.

This means looking at the way we provide heat.

Scotland has a target to have net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045.

We need to make our homes and buildings energy efficient.

This means they would use less energy but still be warm and easy to heat.

We can only do this by replacing polluting heating systems which run using gas, oil, coal or wood chips.

Polluting means they are bad for the environment.

These heating systems are used in most of our homes.

This means changing our boilers to clean heating systems.

For some people this will be an electric heat pump.

For other people a heat network that heats many homes and businesses might be better.

A heat network is a way of heating blocks of flats or groups of homes from one energy source.

Businesses includes shops, factories, schools and churches.

We must make these changes in a fair way that people can afford.

This document describes powers that could be in a 'Heat in Buildings' Bill.

In the rest of this document we will call it 'the Bill' for short.

A Bill is a plan for a new law.

We will use what you tell us when we design the Bill.

The Scottish Government plans to act more quickly than the UK Government when changing how we heat our homes and buildings.

We have an earlier target to reach net zero.

Tell us what you think

Our questions are in bold through this document and each question section has a title in red.

Click on the box of the answer you agree with and a tick will appear. ☐

If you change your mind you can click on it again to untick it.

If you have more to say type your answer in the 'Type your answer here' spaces.

The space will grow as you type.

Save your answers on this document and email it to:

by 8 March 2024.



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