
Changing Lives: Report of the 21st Century Social Work Review

Report of the recommendations made by the 21st Century Social Work Review Group for the future of social services in Scotland.

Annex C: References

Asquith, S, Clark, C and Waterhouse, L (2005) The role of the social worker in the 21st century - a literature review, Scottish Executive.

Brand, D, Reith, T. and Statham, D (2005) The need for social work intervention - a discussion paper for the Scottish 21st Century Social Work Review, Scottish Executive.

BRMB, (2005) Motivations for undertaking the new social work degree, Scottish Executive.

Davidson, S and King, S (2005) Public knowledge of and attitudes to social work in Scotland, Scottish Executive.

Community Care and Health (Scotland) Act 2002, Edinburgh, HMSO

Galilee, J (2005) Learning from failure: a review of major social care/health inquiry recommendations, Scottish Executive.

Galilee, J (2005) Literature review on media representations of social work and social workers, Scottish Executive

Gault, 1 (2003) Study on Youth offending in Glasgow, Scottish Childrens' Reporters Administration

International Association of Schools of Social Work ( IASSW) (2001) International Definition of Social Work, online at

Kerr, B, Gordon, J, MacDonald, C and Stalker, K (2005) Effective social work with older people, Scottish Executive.

Local Government etc. (Scotland) Act 1994, London, HMSO

Leadbeater, C and Lownsbrough, H (2005, unpublished) Personalisation and Participation - 'The Future of Social Care in Scotland' DEMOS

MacLean, S (2005) Delegation of authority nearer to frontline staff - a scoping paper.

McNeil, F, Batchelor, S, Burnett, R and Knox, J (2005) Reducing Re-offending - Key Practice Skills, SWIA and Glasgow School of Social Work.

OPM (2005) The future of unpaid carers in Scotland, Scottish Executive.

Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001, Edinburgh: HMSO.

Scottish Executive (2003) Partnership for a Better Scotland.

Scottish Executive (2003) The Framework for Social Work Education in Scotland.

Scottish Executive (2005) A national strategy for the development of the social service workforce in Scotland 2005-2010: a plan for action.

Scottish Executive (2005) Delivering for Health.

Scottish Executive (2005) Getting it Right for Every Child: Proposals for Action.

Standards in Scotland's Schools etc. (Scotland) Act 2000, Edinburgh, HMSO.

In the shadows: emergency out of hours social work services in Scotland, (2005) Scottish Consumer Council.

Smale G and Bennett W ((1989) Pictures of Practice, Community Social Work in Scotland Vol 1. NISW.

Van Zwaneneberg, Z (2005) Leadership and management development in social services organisations - short life study, Scottish Executive.

Walker, M (2005) The statutory social workers role in prevention and early intervention, Social Work Research Centre, Scottish Executive.

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