A Changing Nation - how Scotland will thrive in a digital world: progress report 2021 – 2024

A report summarising progress on the delivery of the commitments set out in Scotland’s digital strategy covering digital connectivity; digital skills; digital inclusion; digital ethics; supporting businesses to become digital businesses; and the reform of digital government services.


1 Report by the World Bank on the economic impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic

2 Report by the United Kingdom Government Office for Budget Responsibility on that sets out the impacts of the geopolitical situation on issues such as energy prices

3 Research by the UK Parliament on the economic impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic

4 Scottish Government Spending review published in 2022 that provides background information about the impacts of resource challenges faced by the Scottish public sector

5 Ofcom Connected Nations report for statistics about 4G coverage in Scotland

6Report setting out the need for all jobs to have basic digital skills

7 Article in the Harvard Business Review setting out the findings of research on public trust on the public sector's ability to safeguard citizen data

8 Final Report of the Independent Expert Group to the Scottish Government on Unlocking the Value of Data - Unlocking the value of data - Independent Expert Group: final report - gov.scot (www.gov.scot)

9 Scottish AI Register

10 Home - Scottish AI Playbook

11 Living with AI — Scottish AI Alliance

12 Exploring Children’s Rights and AI - Children's Parliament (childrensparliament.org.uk)

13 Scottish AI Summit

14National Statistics for Scotland Report on the Sottish Business Sector

15 Scotland’s Digital Technologies Summary Report 2019

16 Reported benefits for DigitalBoost 1-2-1 beneficiaries reflect, for a significant proportion of 1-2-1 clients, the combined effects of DigitalBoost 1-2-1 support, other support via DigitalBoost, and Digital Development Grants/Loans. Net additional GVA of £40.3 million was estimated for 2021. It is noted that use of multipliers has a strongly positive effect on the net additional estimates.

17 Annual Monitoring 2023 - Scottish Digital Academy

18 statistics.gov.scot

19 Find.Data.Gov.Scot


Email: digitalstrategy@gov.scot

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