Changing the International Territorial Level geography for Scotland: consultation analysis

The International Territorial Levels (ITLs) are geographic boundaries used in the production of statistics in the United Kingdom. This report presents an analysis of consultation responses and provides recommendations to the Office for National Statistics.

Ayrshire Region

During the consultation, it was suggested informally that an ITL3 region could be created by combining North Ayrshire, East Ayrshire and South Ayrshire into a new ‘Ayrshire’ ITL3 region. This proposal would address an outstanding issue of the South Ayrshire ITL3 region being below the recommended population threshold. This region would also align with other existing geographies currently in use.

This proposal appears to have some support. However, since this suggestion was not included in the consultation proposal, this proposal should not be implemented at this time. ONS may however wish to consider this proposal for future iterations of the ITL3 geography.

Recommendation: This region should not be implemented, but the proposal could be revisited for future iterations of the ITL3 geography, subject to consultation with stakeholders.

Dumfries and Galloway and Scottish Borders

As for Ayrshire, there was some indication that a new ITL3 region could be created by combining Dumfries and Galloway and Scottish Borders. Currently these two ITL3 regions are below the recommended population threshold, and combining them would create a new region within these population limits.

The region would also align with the area covered by South of Scotland Enterprise. As this was not proposed in the consultation this region should not be created, but ONS may want to consider this for future iterations of ITL3.

Recommendation: This region should not be implemented, but the proposal could be revisited for future iterations of the ITL3 geography, subject to consultation with stakeholders


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