
Realising Realistic Medicine: Chief Medical Officer for Scotland annual report 2015-2016 appendix

Case studies of applying the personalised, patient-centred Realistic Medicine approach across Scotland.

Realistic Medicine Around Scotland

Realistic Medicine can only be realised if it becomes part of how we deliver care on a daily basis. As part of the consultation process I asked for feedback from around the country about approaches to Realistic Medicine. This was collated in a Feedback Report published in December 2016. It was clear from the feedback that varied and interesting work was being undertaken across the country, inspired by or further informing the Realistic Medicine philosophy.

To this end I asked for further written feedback and my team undertook a series of short interviews with people involved in work related to Realistic Medicine in areas around Scotland. These interviews and written feedback are collated in this appendix providing practical examples of work being undertaken. Many fit closely with multiple aspects of Realistic Medicine - from new innovations to changing approaches to variation. While this appendix is not intended to provide a full compendium of all the work being undertaken, it aims to provide 'snapshots' that contributors have agreed to share more widely. I am aware that there are many other pieces of work going on around the country which are not detailed. However, I hope that this appendix can provide a flavour of the breadth and variety of innovations that Realistic Medicine has influenced - and perhaps provide some inspiration and connections for those looking to incorporate Realistic Medicine into their own practice in future.


Email: Catherine Calderwood

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