
Donating medical equipment: report

This report by the Chief Medical Officer reviews the standards required for medical equipment donations to low- and middle-income countries. It includes a 10 step guide to the donation journey and links to key guidance.

Appendix 2: Membership and declarations

A short life working group convened in March 2021 to take forward a review of best practice in relation to the donation of medical equipment to low-and middle-income countries and provide advice to the Chief Medical Officer for Scotland on action to address the various risks and difficulties associated with such donations.

The members of the short life working group were led by David Cunningham, Chief Executive of KidsOR and supported by a Scottish Clinical Leadership Fellow (Fiona Rutherford) who worked part-time in the Scottish Government Health & Social Care Directorates (SGHSC). The secretariat was provided by NHS public health embedded in the SGHSC, upheld by civil servants from the Scottish Global Health Coordination Unit and the International Development Division. The work benefited from additional co-opted members from NHS Scotland clinical engineering and medical physics professions.

Additional thanks are due to the designer of the initial version of the framework (Sarah McHutchison from KidsOR) and the focus group leads and participants from the Scotland's International Development Alliance (SIDA) workshops.

Members declared their interests which included training and fundraising. A copy of the members' declarations of interests are available on request.



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