
Child And Adolescent Mental Health Services: national service specification

The Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) NHS Scotland national service specification outlining provisions young people and their families can expect from the NHS.

2. I Am Fully Involved In The Decisions About My Care

Getting It Right For Every Child (GIRFEC) stresses the importance of care planning and collaboration between professionals as the required standard for delivery of children's services in Scotland, and CAMHS will work to the GIRFEC principles on a multi professional and agency basis.

2.1 Build on and contribute to other parts of agreed multi-agency care pathways.

2.2 Agree through a process of shared decision making the goals of the child and family and regularly review those interventions and progress towards the goals.

2.3 Ensure that the rationale for formulation and diagnosis, evidence considered, and decisions made will be fully documented. This will be shared with the child/young person and parent/carer in writing as appropriate. Share and involve the child, young person and family/cares in the information to be shared with the referrer e.g. that the assessment has taken place and the goals of the care plan.

2.4 Develop a risk management plan, if required, in collaboration with the child/young person and their families/carers, including crisis planning where relevant.

2.5 Ensure that initial and continuous care planning involves all members of the CAMHS team providing care, the child/young person and their families/carers.

2.6 Ensure that care plans are in place for all children and young people receiving support from CAMHS.

2.7 Ensure care plans: are coordinated across agencies (using the GIRFEC principles), teams and disciplines; are clearly written; identify the case holder/care coordinator; are developed in collaboration with children/young people and families and carers (e.g. The Triangle of Care)

2.8 Provide copies of the care plan to children, young people and their families/carers, and, with informed consent, those professionals in other agencies working with the child, young person and families/carers such as social work, schools and children's services providers and primary care (e.g. GPs).



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