
Child And Adolescent Mental Health Services: national service specification

The Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) NHS Scotland national service specification outlining provisions young people and their families can expect from the NHS.

5. I Am Fully Involved In Planning And Agreeing My Transitions

Transitions for children and young people are known to increase risks, particularly for the most vulnerable. The Scottish Government published the Transition Care Planning Guidance in 2018 and this describes the standards required in the planning of good transitions for young people moving from CAMHS to Adult Mental Health Services. The Principles of Transition guidance is relevant in planning and supporting all transitions for children and young people.

5.1 Implement the Scottish Government's Transition Care Planning Guidance. CAMHS will have protocols in place to ensure that transitions between CAMHS and other services are robust and that, wherever possible, services work together with the service user and families/carers to plan in advance for transition (this is especially critical in the transfer from CAMHS to adult mental health services and primary care or other services, e.g. voluntary/third sector).

5.2 Ensure the Transition Care Plan provides children and young people with continuity of care and that any risks and child and adult support and protection concerns are clearly identified and documented.

Groups of children and young people who are more at risk to adversity during transitions and require robust transition plans include:

  • Looked after children
  • Care leavers moving to independent living
  • Young people entering or leaving inpatient care
  • Young people entering or leaving prison
  • Young offenders
  • Children and young people with intellectual disabilities
  • Unaccompanied asylum-seeking minors
  • Children and young people with caring responsibilities
  • Those not in education, employment or training
  • Children supported under the Additional Support for Learning Act
  • Young Parents
  • Young people entering college or university study and, in particular, those moving health board area



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