
Every child, every chance: tackling child poverty delivery plan 2018-2022

The first Child Poverty Delivery Plan due under the Child Poverty (Scotland) Act 2017. Outlining action for the period 2018-22.


1. Figures shown are three year average poverty rates (2013-14 - 2015-16), Source: Households Below Average Income, DWP

2. UN Convention of rights of child: Article 26 (social security) Every child has the right to benefit from social security. Governments must provide social security, including financial support and other benefits, to families in need of assistance. Article 27 (adequate standard of living) Every child has the right to a standard of living that is good enough to meet their physical and social needs and support their development. Governments must help families who cannot afford to provide this.

3. Scotland's Labour Market Strategy (2016)



6. As identified by the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation ( SIMD).

7. Annual Population Survey (2016).


9. Based on Social Security (Scotland) Bill Financial Memorandum -

10. £100 is available for people without children under the same scheme.

11. The introduction of Children's Neighbourhoods Scotland draws on expertise, experience and the lessons learned from a range of placed-based initiatives internationally and nationally. These include Children's Communities in a number of sites across the UK such as the Children First Pioneer Projects in Wales, the Greater Shankill Children and Young People Zone and elsewhere in northern Europe. Other examples include Strive Together and Harlem Children's Zone in the United States.


13. /publications/achieving-sustainable-future-regeneration-strategy/

14. See Annex 2 for full description of income and housing costs

15. The full report is available on the Scottish Government website.

16. These projections use the latest available data published for all four measures as of the Scottish Draft Budget in December 2017 as their starting point. They do not take into account new data published on the 22nd March 2018.

17. Matthews, P. and K. Besemer, Poverty and social networks evidence review: a Report for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation Anti-Poverty Programme. 2014, University of Stirling: Stirling.

18. The components of this domain are: number of adults (all ages) receiving Jobseeker's Allowance; (all ages) not in paid employment receiving Universal Credit; aged 16-59 receiving Income Support ( IS) or income-based Employment and Support Allowance ( ESA); aged 60 plus receiving Guaranteed Pension Credit

Number of children (aged 0-15) dependent on a recipient of Income Support, Jobseeker's Allowance or Employment Support Allowance

Number of adults and children in Tax Credit families on low incomes

See: for more details


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