
Child Poverty Measurement Framework - The Wider Evidence Base

The paper presents the wide range of data collected as part of the process of developing the measurement framework for Scotland’s Child Poverty Strategy presented in the 2014 Annual Report on Child Poverty. Alongside a more detailed analysis of the headline indicators, data is presented from sources considered for inclusion, but not included, in the measurement framework.


1.1. This paper presents the wide range of data collected as part of the process of developing the measurement framework for Scotland's Child Poverty Strategy presented in the 2014 Annual Report on Child Poverty. Alongside a slightly more detailed analysis of the headline indicators, data is presented from sources considered for inclusion, but not included, in the measurement framework. This paper therefore gives a flavour of the wider evidence base, although it does not claim to be comprehensive. Only quantitative evidence is presented and some data sources which are not suitable for drawing year on year comparisons were not included in the list of potential indicators, and are therefore not covered in this paper.

1.2. Like the measurement framework, this paper is structured around the three key outcomes identified in the Child Poverty Strategy:

  • Maximising financial resources of families on low incomes (Pockets)
  • Improved life chances of children in poverty (Prospects)
  • Children from low income households live in well-designed, sustainable places (Places)

1.3. Within this structure, the measurement framework indicators, as well as the wider data, are presented under the relevant intermediate outcomes also identified in the strategy.


Email: Franca MacLeod

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