
Child poverty - monitoring and evaluation: policy evaluation framework

Evaluation framework to create a shared understanding of how we measure the impact of individual policies on child poverty. Namely around setting common definitions, providing guidance in identifying child poverty outcomes, setting the rationale for data collection and presenting options

Theme 1 – Overarching delivery outputs/implementation journey

This theme aims to establish the link between the policy outcomes and child poverty outcomes. It aims to align data collection with annual child poverty progress reports and other governance requests for information.

The questions highlighted (see Figure 4) are intended to form part of individual policy evaluations. A solid starting point is a strong logic model that links child poverty outcomes with policy activities. This can form the basis for future evaluation practices which then embed the key research questions suggested below in Figure 4.

Some good practice examples of how child poverty outcomes can be embedded in logic models:

Figure 4. Detailed research questions around process implementation

Theme 1: Policy alignment

To understand whether a policy is delivering against anticipated outcomes (research questions 1.1 and 1.3) and what role child poverty plays in the delivery of the policy (research question 1.2)

Key questions:

What are the key impacts/outcomes you are expecting to achieve?

Which of the drivers of child poverty do you expect this to impact on?


To link policy outcomes and drivers of poverty

Data collection:

Through administrative data

Key questions:

Is child poverty the main or secondary outcome of policy?

What is the proportional investment of resources on low income households with children vs other households?


Tackling child poverty is the key outcome of many policies. However, for others, it is a secondary objective. For example, the ELC expansion has a greater focus on the general wellbeing of children.

Data collection:

Using policy's logic model to map/embed child poverty outcomes.

Monitor Budget / Spend on policy, and specifically the proportion spent on low income households

Key questions:

What are the key delivery indicator/ milestones? (KPIs)

What is the progress against anticipated KPIs? (annual and over the years of the Plan)


To achieve an efficient use of public resources that align with key government priorities

Data collection:

By agreeing on KPIs (internally / externally)

By recording progress over time ensuring that KPIs are provided for low income households with children



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