
Child Poverty Practice Accelerator Fund: round 2 form and guidance

Round 2 of the fund to test approaches to accelerate action to tackle child poverty.

How to apply

Accessing and submitting the application form

Download the application form; alternatively please email

Completed application forms should be sent to by 5pm on Friday 12 July 2024.

Further help or advice

Please contact if you have any questions that are not answered in this guidance. Please note that whilst we can respond to specific queries we cannot review or provide advice on draft applications.

Information on drivers of child poverty reduction and priority families

The three drivers of child poverty reduction have shaped the national approach to tackling child poverty, as set out in our 2018-2022 Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan, ‘Every Child, Every Chance’, and more recently in the second Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan, Best Start, Bright Futures’, published in March 2022.

We expect a clear link and strong rationale for how activities would have a connection to the drivers, however this does not need to be a direct, short term impact. For example, projects creating the enabling conditions for impact on the targets, or cross cutting action to improve effectiveness of other activity that will impact targets.

More information and evidence on the drivers of poverty reduction, and actions contributing to these, can be found in the delivery plans and associated annexes.

The six priority families are the six household types that data shows are at the greatest risk of child poverty – lone parent households, minority ethnic households, households with three or more children, households with a baby under one, households where an adult or child is disabled and households with a mother under 25. More information on these family types, and evidence on some of the barriers they face, is avaliable.

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